WestHaven's Annual 2022 Care Heroes Fund
Donation protected
After an overwhelming response to our first ever Heroes Fund in 2020 we decided to make this an opportunity for families and ministry partners to show their appreciation for our staff at the end of each year. I had set the goal more modestly last year but, again, like our first year you exceeded our goals, providing more than $10K shared among over 20 tenured staff . Each employee who has been continuously employed will share equally in the gift proportionate to their hours worked. In tough times like these this one time gift may be more deeply appreciated – and needed – than either of the two prior pandemic years.
Our Community Care Heroes include: housekeepers who worked diligently to keep our communities clean and well ordered ; capable administrative staffs who fielded your calls and emails answering your many questions; cooks who kept us all fed with meals, snacks, and more; activities care companions filled our weeks with meaning and joy; maintenance kept everything working; department leads and supervisors faithfully led the ministry in an ever complex regulatory workplace; and, of course, our super heroes – the direct caregivers and Care Coordinators - faced the daily challenges 24/7/365 with grace and excellence.
This holiday season we are once again giving you an opportunity to show your appreciation by making a generous year-end tax deductible donation to bless our caring teams in early January.
Checks payable to WestHaven can be mailed to WestHaven, Hero Fund, 1440 Fairview Street, Orland, CA. WestHaven is paying all of the payroll taxes again this year so every dollar you give goes directly to our staff. Last year generous folks like you helped us raise over $10K for our caring teams despite having set a more modest goal of $5,000.
Wade Elliott
Orland, CA