Vince's College Fund
So many of you generously donated to help raise money for Isa to fight her last cancer diagnosis. And fight she did until the very end!
You can see the original Go Fund Me here, https://www.gofundme.com/isasmiracle
Your love and support made what could have been the worst months of Isa's life some of the most miraculous and healing for her. Ultimately, Isa couldn't stay with us, and we are all left to make sense of this monumental loss.
So many have reached out to us asking what they can do, and if there is a charity that Isa cared about to donate to. What we feel Isa cared and cares about the most is her 7-year-old son, Vince. He is her legacy and embodies so many of the traits we loved about Isa: her wisdom, her creativity, her intuition and her beautiful heart. Vince has both an unbearable loss to carry, and a beautiful future that lies ahead. Vince will someday know that the money we raised for his college education was in support and love of him, and in honor of his mother who we all hold so dear.
This campaign is to raise money specifically for Vince's College Fund, and the funds will be transferred directly into a 529 Savings Plan. If you feel called to donate once again, or for the first time, this time in honor of Vinny and the remarkable impact he will have on this world, we thank you. If you can't donate at this time, we welcome and have such gratitude for the love and prayers you can send to Vinny and all of Isa's family and loved ones.
With love, prayers and gratitude,
Isa's 4 M's (Maribel, Madeline, Maria and Munley (Jennifer))