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Vida Para Lily

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UPDATE May 5,2018

It is with a very sad heart that I share the news that we had to say goodbye to Lily on May 5th. She fought hard for her life until the very end, but tragically her infection did not clear and she was unable to get a transplant in time to save her life.

We are deeply saddened, but are comforted to know that she is rejoicing in God’s glorious kingdom.

Thank you to all who have supported our family in the difficult journey with your prayers, kind words, and donations.

Even though Lily was not able to get a transplant, she did stay in intensive care, and so the funds raised will go toward this hefty cost.

Any additional donations will be used to continue to cover medical costs and to help her small children.

Thank you again, we are truly blessed for the support from so many during this difficult time.

(Please scroll down for the English version)

Liliana esta muy enferma y necesita un transplante inmediatamente!

En espera de un milagro, y agradeciendo a Dios de antemano, con toda la fe que se puede pedimos su apoyo para darle a nuestra querida Lily una oportunidad para vivir! 

Nuestra querida hija, hermana, sobrina, amiga y sobre todo madre de siete adorables hijos, Liliana, ha luchado con mucha valentia contra su enfermedad en el higado por los ultimos dos anos. Lamentablemente, después de todos sus esfuerzos, la enfermedad le dano los rinones y necesita un doble transplante para sobrevivir. 

Liliana, ha trabajado incansablemente para sacar adelande a sus hijos. A ella le apasiona ayudar a los demas, tiene un corazon tan grade y generoso que aun enferma se preocupa por todos antes que por ella. 

Ella da libremente de todo lo que tiene. Tan grande es su corazón que en los días que estuvo muy frío en Dallas, ella se fue a repartir comida a los que no tenían y les busco hoteles a los que no tenían  donde dormir.  Ella se pasa cada dia de accion de gracias dandoles de comer a los mas necesitados de la ciudad.

Liliana tiene un corazón grandísimo y siempre busca la manera de ayudar a todos y ahora es ella quien necesita nuestra ayuda.

Hace unas semanas todos sus planes de vida se detuvieron, y se volvio su futuro incierto y gris.  Un momento que ninguna persona de 46 anos tendria que estar pasando.  Liliana fue diagnosticada con falla de higado y rinones y con poco tiempo para seguir luchando..  Ella nunca penso en pedir ayuda, y que su vida dependeria de los demas. Pero la vida nos da muchas sorpresas. 

Lily está muy enferma y su única oportunidad para mejorar es un doble transplante de su hígado  y riñón.  

Esta operación puede salvarle la vida y tu puedes ser parte de este milagro. 

Esta operacion es demasiado urgente.  Sin esta operacion, Lily no puede estar en su casa con sus hijos, sigue en el hospital, y sigue en un alto riesgo de morir.

Desafortunadamente, No podremos hacerlos sin su ayuda. Cualquier apoyo es valioso. Ayudenos para recaudar los fondos necesarios para salvar su vida.

Por favor done  lo que pueda hoy.  Los gastos de la operacion son immensos, y requieren cuidados intesivos no solo para Liliana, pero para los dos donantes.  
De parte de toda su familia se lo agradecemos muchísimo.

El alma generosa será prosperada (proverbios 11.25)

Dios lo bendiga y lo proteja grandemente!

Agradecemos que junto con su donación eleve su oración  a nuestro Creador.

Para los que viven fueara de los Estados Unidos, pueden poner 000 para el codigo postal.

Liliana is very sick and needs a transplant immediately!

We humbly ask for your support to give our beloved Lily a chance to live!  We thank God in advance for the many miracles he has shown us and wait for this precious miracle.

Our beloved daughter, sister, niece, friend and especially a mother of seven adorable children, Liliana, has fought with great courage against her liver disease for the last two years. Unfortunately,  the liver disease has also caused damage to her kidneys and she is in need of a double transplant to survive.

Liliana has worked tirelessly to provide the best for her children. She loves to help others, and has a heart so generous, that even while sick she worries about everyone before her.  She freely gives of everything she has. Her heart is so big that on the days when it was very cold in Dallas, she made sure to distribute food to those who do not have anything to eat and booked hotels for those who had no place to sleep. She spends every Thanksgiving giving food to the neediest in the city.  She gives selflessly always.

Liliana has a generous and giving heart and always seeks a way to help everyone and now she is the one who needs our help.

A few weeks ago all her life plans stopped, and her future became uncertain and gray. A moment that no 46-year-old person should have been going through-  Liliana was diagnosed with liver and kidney failure with little time to keep fighting. She never thought about asking for help, or that her life would depend on others. 

Lily is very sick and her only chance to improve is a double transplant of her liver and kidney.  This surgery can save her life and you can be part of this miracle.

This surgery is very urgent!  Without it, Lily's life remains at a critical risk for death. During this time, she remains at the hospital and cannot be with her children.

Unfortunately, we can not do it without your help. Any support is valuable. Help us to raise the necessary funds to save her life.  Please donate what you can today. The expenses of the surgery are immense and require intensive care not only for Liliana but also for her two donors.   On top of that, the aftercare required for her and her two donors will also be very costly.  

On behalf of her family, we thank you very much. God bless you! Along with your donation, we also appreciate your prayers for Liliana!

"A generous person will prosper "(Proverbs 11:25)

For those who live outside the United States, you may enter 000 for the postal code.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Maribel Mendoza
Dallas, TX
Mirna Lugo

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