Alex Cancer, hospital and Funeral
Donation protected
3rd update. I'm sorry to have to say this but Alex got his wings aug 8th at 313am. He is in heaven and in no pain. We didn't plan on it going this way and now have to plan what no one does, his funeral. Please keep his family in your prays it is a hard time for everyone now. Thank you so much for sharing and caring and the donations. Yall don't know how much this means.
2nd update. Alex was rushed to the hospital yesterday he is now unresponsive. The 4 masses have gotten bigger so the radiation is not working. The brain bleeding is worse because of them getting bigger. He is in nothing but pain. The doctors have put him on a DNR because they said if they bring him back he would still only be in pain. They are giving him a very short time left. This is hard on his wife my daughter Heather and his family. Please pray for everyone involved. She has not been able to work in months and is behind on bills. This is taking a lot out of everyone. We are asking if you will donate and help her not loose the place she has to stay and help with any medical bills. Thank you all
I am updating on top of my original post. Alex was rushed to the hospital this morning at 3am he was having seizures. The did a CT and the cancer has moved to his brain. He has 4 big masses in his brain. They have done numerous test today and found he is bleeding on the brain now. The treatments are not working. We need healing prays for him and his family. My daughter heathrr is still not able to work due to taking care of him 24/7 and now it has gotten worse. They need your help badly. We pray the doctors can find out something to help him but as of now they are doing test to see they are saying it's a low percentage from here. Please help and pray for them.
Hello I am making this go fund me to help my daughter's boyfriend alex with his cancer journey. He is on his 2nd round of chemo and now has to get to Atlanta for 5 months to stay there and get more intense treatment. He is getting steam cell treatment and bone marrow and more. He has to live up there and needs help with food and getting back and forth to apps and having a place to stay. It was so last min they cant get a spot for him to live whioe getting treatments. His cancer has moved all over his body and very fast. They are doing all the can to help him. My daughter has to take off work to help be there 24/7 to help him. Therefor she will have to leave there almost 2 year old son here in columbus to be there to help him. This is a very hard time for everyone. Please help anyway you can to help them for these 5 months. She will be back and forth and try to work when she can to pay there bills so they dont loose the house they rent here. Again anything will help please. Thank you all for your help and pray He gets through this.
April Duke
Columbus, GA