Urgent appeal, please help save Yi-lha's life!
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Hello, and thank you for taking the time to read this urgent and time sensitive appeal for your help.
We are raising a minimum of $15,000 for medical expenses for Yi-lha, the sister of Lama Lotar, who many many of you have met and grown to love, and who has selflessly offered unending support to Anyen Rinpoche’s immediate family. Yi-lha has late stage cervical cancer and needs chemotherapy and radiation treatments to save her life. We make a heartfelt request that you, your friends, and family please support her cancer treatment.
Yi-lha grew up in a nomadic Tibetan family, and has spent most of her life caring for her family’s yak herd and also her elderly parents. Not long ago, Yi-lha suddenly developed severe abdominal pain, which has led to her diagnosis of late stage cervical cancer. Without the life saving intervention of chemotherapy and radiation, she will soon succumb to this terrible disease.
Because they live in rural Tibet, Yi-lha and her family do not have health insurance that can be used in the large cancer hospital in the city. For a poor family like hers, treatment is nearly impossible without outside help. Though her cancer is advanced, it has not yet spread throughout her body. Her physicians have said that chemotherapy and radiation can be an effective treatment for her. However, the only way her family could gather enough money to cover the cost of this treatment would be to sell all of their yak, which is this family’s sole source of livelihood.
At this time, we have set a goal of $15,000 to save Yilah's life and prevent her family from ruin. We anticipate the final cost to be more than that, and may adjust the goal as further expenses may accumulate.
Will you please make a donation, as generous as you are able, to allow Yi-lha to receive proper medical intervention for her cancer? What an amazing chance is now appearing before you to take a simple but compassionate, generous action, and make a tremendous difference in the Yi-lha’s life.
Also, we are requesting that you share this appeal so that others also have the opportunity to support Yi-lha and her family. Please directly ask others to further share this message. The more people that support this effort, the easier it is for us to all gather what is needed to take care of Yi-lha .

Sarah Wangmo
Denver, CO