Stephen Pringles Funeral
Stephen Pringle s life was cut short at the young age of 37 years old and as you can imagine has left a huge hole in everyone’s life that was close to him.
To lose anyone at anytime is never easy, however for someone to be taken so sudden and so young just seems unfair.
Unfortunately the same as most people his age Stephen had not set aside any funds to help pay for his funeral arrangements and his dad Billy is not in a financial position due to his ill health to pay for it so on behalf of the family I am asking for donations no matter how small to help towards the cost of Stephen’s funeral arrangements so we can give him a proper service and allow the people that knew and loved him to pay their respects.
As everyone that ever had the pleasure of knowing him or being in his company Stephen was just the comedian of the pack and you where guaranteed to see smiles and laughter on the faces of everyone in his company so it would be great if we could provide a proper send off and celebrate Stephen’s life the way he would have wanted with smiles and laughter remembering the good times.