Bailey's surgery fund
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Hello everyone!
Three weeks ago I rescued a beautiful 6 week old German Shepard puppy from someone in downtown SantaAna, and we named her Bailey.
Bailey did NOT have a very good life. We rescued her from a family who claimed she was attacked by her mom three weeks prior (when she was 3 weeks old). Her jaw was broken and they did not give her even a single ounce of much needed veterinary care. I took one look at her and did not hesitate bringing her home with me.
Upon taking her to the vet the next day, I was given devastating news. My vet said it was one of the worst thing he had ever seen in his entire career. Bailey was NOT attacked by another animal, there were no bite marks or other wounds. If an attack that severe came from another dog/animal then it would have killed poor Bailey. No, she was hit. Hard. “Severe blunt force trauma” is what I was told and what the vet notes say.

Poor Bailey had been hit so hard on the left side of her face that all her teeth were snapped off and embedded in the opposite side of her mouth. Because she was never given the medical attention she needed, an infection took over and ate through all the skin on the inside of her mouth, only skeleton was visible on the left side. To make matters worse, the infection also rotted through the bone and she has very little jaw remaining because it was all removed. Her first surgery was attempted with a 50/50 shot at survival because she was a puppy. Young puppies are designed to grow bone, and the vet was hoping her body would recover enough to survive. If this damage/abuse were to happen to an adult dog, they would have been put down because any shot at recovery would have been impossible. It is still touch and go with her, but she is a trooper and fighting every day! She wears a muzzle to stabilize her jaw, and has to eat wet food mixed with water through it. We did not want to wire her jaw shut and use a feeding tube.
So far, Bailey has had her first surgery to the tune of $2,095 and will require many more throughout her life. She also requires a lot of laser treatments for recovery and muzzle replacements for her growing body.
She is doing well now with us and living a happy life with her forever home, but she has a long surgery-filled life ahead.

Some people on Anaheim Hills Buzz reported seeing similar posts of German Shepards for sale by a young girl in Santa Ana who were also “attacked by the mom.” There were many other puppies at the property and it looks like they are abusing them too. I spent all day at the Santa Ana Police Department on June 22nd to bring it to their attention and they officer assured me that they would be doing an inspection that day! We will continue following up with them until the abusers are brought to justice and all the puppies go to good homes.
Thank you for reading Bailey's story! Please share with your friends and family!

Three weeks ago I rescued a beautiful 6 week old German Shepard puppy from someone in downtown SantaAna, and we named her Bailey.

Upon taking her to the vet the next day, I was given devastating news. My vet said it was one of the worst thing he had ever seen in his entire career. Bailey was NOT attacked by another animal, there were no bite marks or other wounds. If an attack that severe came from another dog/animal then it would have killed poor Bailey. No, she was hit. Hard. “Severe blunt force trauma” is what I was told and what the vet notes say.

Poor Bailey had been hit so hard on the left side of her face that all her teeth were snapped off and embedded in the opposite side of her mouth. Because she was never given the medical attention she needed, an infection took over and ate through all the skin on the inside of her mouth, only skeleton was visible on the left side. To make matters worse, the infection also rotted through the bone and she has very little jaw remaining because it was all removed. Her first surgery was attempted with a 50/50 shot at survival because she was a puppy. Young puppies are designed to grow bone, and the vet was hoping her body would recover enough to survive. If this damage/abuse were to happen to an adult dog, they would have been put down because any shot at recovery would have been impossible. It is still touch and go with her, but she is a trooper and fighting every day! She wears a muzzle to stabilize her jaw, and has to eat wet food mixed with water through it. We did not want to wire her jaw shut and use a feeding tube.

Some people on Anaheim Hills Buzz reported seeing similar posts of German Shepards for sale by a young girl in Santa Ana who were also “attacked by the mom.” There were many other puppies at the property and it looks like they are abusing them too. I spent all day at the Santa Ana Police Department on June 22nd to bring it to their attention and they officer assured me that they would be doing an inspection that day! We will continue following up with them until the abusers are brought to justice and all the puppies go to good homes.
Thank you for reading Bailey's story! Please share with your friends and family!

Sarah Lamar
Orange, CA