Tula medical fund
A week ago my partner and I rescued a puppy from a deplorable situation/environment.
Friday she had to have surgery to remove a necrotic area of skin resulting in over 20+ stitches.
This afternoon our little girl scratched an area on her back about an inch an a half below her stiches. The area was leaking some not so good stuff doctors say it was a mix of blood and pus . and she was in conciderable pain...
I was able to clean the area best I could and took her to emergency animal vet who verified
that the area below her initial stitches was becoming necrotic as well and would need extensive surgery to treat the area.
I’m setting up this go fund me to help alleviate the medical costs for this little girl. And to helpensure she continues to get the support she deserves. Any amount donated would be greatly appreciated.