Treatment & Expenses for MJ Rose
As many people know, MJ (Mikayla) has battled severe depression for awhile. She moved to Atlanta Georgia over a year ago to try and really seek things she enjoyed and loved in hopes it would help in her mental state. As we all know now, that clearly didn’t happen and she came back to MN for the holidays and found herself in a much worse mental space then when she left. As of today MJ made a very public suicidal video that was shared on multiple social media platforms. (For anyone who saw the video, we know it was very hard to watch, and we apologize for any trauma that may have caused you). We (her family) were able to navigate her location and thankfully police were able to locate her quickly and get her to a crisis center.
I am one of many of MJs older sisters, and I’m posting and sharing this on behalf of the entirefamily who is asking for help and assistance in raising some money for MJ for her very quickly upcoming treatment journey. Treatment is not cheap and neither is having to pay for life expenses while also being in treatment. We believe life is more important than having to worry about the money so we hope you can donate whatever you can or see fit to help her in her recovery and expenses.
We love MJ so much, and have very high hopes with the right help and treatment she can make it through this crippling time.
From her entire family, THANK YOU!!!