Help Tiffany rebuild her life on solid ground
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Hi. I have allowed myself to be taken advantage of and abused by those I've loved most. I believed and forgave over and over again, only for things to get worse. I gave until I had nothing left. I even lost the will to fight, only for a moment, but that moment landed me in the hospital until July 4.
But that's not the end of my story or my fight. I had a job interview for the perfect position for me and feel good about the odds of being hired. I'll know soon. I also have several other interviews scheduled as I am determined to succeed on that front and every other.
I do need help though. It's not easy for me to admit that. I enjoy being the one able to help and have often throughout my life, even when I didn't have much myself. I know everyone needs help from time to time, but it's still crushing for me to admit I do. But I do, so here it goes.
Aside from $60 donated from a friend, I am flat broke. My fridge and cabinets are empty. My gas tank is low. I am $900 behind on rent and days away from owing another month. My auto payment is due and I definitely cannot afford to lose my only means of transportation.
If I cannot raise this money quickly, my only current option is a job and temporary lodging 2.5 hours away in the exact town where the man who did that to my face and made numerous threats against my life lives. To me, that is not an option. Not smart. Not safe. Exact opposite of what I want or need.
The hospital did provide a number of resources and I am absolutely doing all I can there, but those things take time. To get back and forth to interviews and then to work, to keep a safe roof over my head, have food and drink, pick up my medicine at CVS, I need help now. Help will make it all possible. Please give if you can and know one day I'll pay it forward. I want the chance to succeed. I'm pretty good at that normally. This time I could definitely use a hand up. Thank you very much.
Tiffany Wilson
Mitchell, IN