This is my great great niece Lillianna
Donation protected
- On the 25th January Lillianna got put in to an induced coma with a severe infection and transferred to Alder hey children's hospital where a number of test where carried out, on the 27th January her 3rd Birthday her mum Morgan got the devastating news that Lillianna had AML leukemia ,she then was transferred to Manchester children's hospital to start treatment on the 30th. she went into remission but within weeks the leukemia was back and Morgan was told the next step would be intensive chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant but Lillianna had complications she had coltis and also sepsis as you can imagine her family were distrought seing Lillianna so poorly she finally had her transplant and was doing really well and finally rang the bell on the 23 August with all her family and friends thinking it was all over, but then within 2months of ringing that bell Lillianna had a high temperature and Morgan had to take her straight back to hospital to be told it was suspected sepsis but after tests got the heart breaking news Lilliannas leukemia was back and is still very aggressive even after the transplant, Morgan as had a number of conversations with the consultants and doctors around the world have been in talk, Lillianna is starting a new treatment to prolong things so she can possibly be eligible for something else in a couple of months as long as the leukemia doesn't progress while having this treatment. Mum as also been told that there's only a slim chance the leukemia can be cured as the transplant was the best treatment for Lilliannas type of Leukemia,I would like to make things a little easier for Morgan financially while in hospital caring for Lillianna and for Morgan to make memories while Lillianna is still well enough, Thanks for reading
Organizer and beneficiary
Tracey walsh
Morgan Jade Berry