Therapy Cat Hospitalization
Donation protected
Good morning! My name is Brian Cooper and I live in North Carolina. I am a 17 year US Army Veteran with diagnosed depression and PTSD. I am raising funds for Midnight, an unofficial, therapy cat. Midnight is a rescue cat along with his brother. 8 years ago, I had a Cardiac event and underwent open heart surgery. During my recovery time at home, I found feral kittens, about 6-8 weeks old, under our shed and went about capturing them. One was a tiger stripe and the other was Midnight, a tuxedo cat. We got them accustomed to us and they joined the family but Midnight was my favorite. Over the years he has always gotten in my lap and wanted pets and has become a soothing influence for my PTSD. He barely tolerates my wife and kids, is still easily frightened by them but will lounge on my legs, lap or more recently, my chest, for hours at a time. I believe we found each other at the right time in out lives. Monday, March 25th, I woke up and went about my morning routine. I go out to the kitchen to the sounds of meows helping lead the way. I open a can of wet food and place it down but Midnight is not there. I call for him and eventually find him by the sofa. I pick him up, take to the food and as I set him down, he hisses at his brother and walks away from the food. THIS is highly abnormal. He is very reserved all day and only moves a little at a time. I keep an eye on him thinking he got hurt or just isn't feeling well. Same routine the next morning and again, Midnight is not around. A bit later I hear him getting sick by the water bowl and when I see him I KNOW something is terribly wrong. I scoop him up and take him to a veterinarian urgent care and that's when they tell me, he has a bladder blockage causing build of of toxins in the bladder, kidneys and blood stream. Another 24-48 hours and he would have died. Fortunately, this can be fixed, but at a cost. They give me the estimate of $3300-$4500 due to labs, overnight hospitalization, sedation and meds. This was far more than I anticipated and is a serious strain on our already taxed budget with our daughter off at college. Any help at all would greatly be appreciated.
Brian Cooper
Fayetteville, NC