The Beacon Church Roofing Fund
We’re currently raising funds to replace the roofs of both The Beacon Centre and the St. Andrews room (which connects the church building and the Beacon Centre). Every donation we receive makes a difference!
For over 50 years, we’ve been dedicated to serving the Canford Heath community. Each week, we provide support and activities for all ages, from newborns to older generations. Our Preschool and toddler groups, including one that supports SEND, play a vital role for the community of Canford Heath. Additionally, we run 3 youth and children’s groups throughout the week, as well as a Community Coffee Morning providing a Warm Space once a week. Our buildings serve as a meeting place for various community groups, including Dexters football club, Brownie and Guides groups, and PramaLife’s Memory Lane group. As a Church, we remain committed to finding ways to support our local community. To continue to do this, we need to re-roof parts of our buildings to ensure we can continue to provide a welcoming space for everyone in the community.
Fundraising team (2)

The Beacon Church
Canford Heath United Reformed Church
Mark Maidment
Team member