Teryn Mae Labay Medical Care
Teryn is such an inspiration and strong little girl. She continues to defy everything thrown her way. This family needs your help as they go through a tough time. This account is started to help raise funds to offset the medical care that has already come and future costs ahead. Any little bit will help. Please pray for her and her road ahead. The power of prayer moves mountains!
From the Parents:
On October 29th Teryn was brought into the ER for jaundice. After almost a week in the hospital her condition has slowly worsened. Although she is still as happy and playful as ever, her liver is continuing to lose its function, and will possibly need to be transplanted. We believe she can make it through anything life throws at her, although it breaks our hearts to see her going through this. That being said, she has prayer warriors everywhere rooting for a safe recovery in these impossible times.