United to Defeat COVID-19 帮助白衣天使,战胜新冠病毒!
Donation protected
The COVID-19 virus has reached global pandemic levels. Our country is facing an unprecedented challenge! Front-line health worker in high-risk and quarantined areas need medical supplies to continue to provide medical support as the crisis unfolds. You can help them save more lives and make an even greater impact by donating today. If you are able to help, those who are risking their lives to save ours need and appreciate it now more than ever!
新冠病毒肆虐全球,美国也正面临着前所未有的挑战! 冒着生命危险奋战在高危疫区的一线医护工作者们急需医疗物资,继续提供医疗救助应对危机。您通过今天的捐赠将帮助白衣天使们挽救更多生命,发挥更大的作用。那些冒着生命危险拯救我们的人比以往任何时候都更加需要和感激您的帮助!
After discussing with physicians at NYP Queens, a hospital hit hard by the virus, we need your help to fund the donation of critical medical supplies: disposable stethoscopes, fingertip oximeters or a pocket-sized ultrasound system.
与遭受病毒肆虐围攻的纽约长老会皇后医院的医生们讨论后,我们需要您的帮助来资助捐赠重要的医疗用品:一次性听诊器, 指尖血氧仪或Butterfly iQ多功能口袋超声仪。
The shortage of those equipment are hindering physicians' ability to save lives. Disposable stethoscopes will reduce physicians' exposure to the fatal virus and help maintain their health! A limited number of vital-sign stations are available for physicians. It's critical to frequently measure COVID-19 patients' Blood Oxygen Saturation levels, but physicians may have to wait for a long time before nurses can move the vital-sign station over. A portable fingertip oximeter or pocket ultrasound system for ICU will help save more lives.
这些设备的短缺阻碍了医生挽救生命的能力。床头(可重复使用的)一次性听诊器将减少医生在致命病毒下的暴露,有助于维护他们的健康!可供医生使用的"生命体征站"数量非常有限。经常测量新冠患者的血氧饱和度水平至关重要,但是医生需要长时间等待护士移来体征工作站才能做测量。重症监护室配备便携式指尖血氧仪或Butterfly iQ多功能口袋超声仪将有助于挽救更多宝贵的生命,
United Under Art (https://unitedunderart.com/ 艺联你我) is a global, student-led community service initiative with the purpose of connecting underprivileged communities to the world of art. In addition to the donations, we will also run free online arts workshops and tutoring for underprivileged and health workers' children. Health workers are dedicated to fighting COVID-19 while their kids are often unattended at home. We hope to help them with workshops or one on one tutoring.
United Under Arts(https://unitedunderarts.org/艺联你我)是一项学生主导的全球性社区服务项目,旨在连接弱势群体与艺术的世界。本次除了为战斗在新冠第一线的白衣天使们募捐购买医用设备外,我们还计划为贫困社区和医护工作者的孩子们举办免费的在线艺术讲座和辅导。白衣天使们致力于战胜新冠病毒,而他们的孩子常常在家中无人照看。 我们希望通过讲座或一对一的辅导来帮助他们。
新冠病毒肆虐全球,美国也正面临着前所未有的挑战! 冒着生命危险奋战在高危疫区的一线医护工作者们急需医疗物资,继续提供医疗救助应对危机。您通过今天的捐赠将帮助白衣天使们挽救更多生命,发挥更大的作用。那些冒着生命危险拯救我们的人比以往任何时候都更加需要和感激您的帮助!
After discussing with physicians at NYP Queens, a hospital hit hard by the virus, we need your help to fund the donation of critical medical supplies: disposable stethoscopes, fingertip oximeters or a pocket-sized ultrasound system.
与遭受病毒肆虐围攻的纽约长老会皇后医院的医生们讨论后,我们需要您的帮助来资助捐赠重要的医疗用品:一次性听诊器, 指尖血氧仪或Butterfly iQ多功能口袋超声仪。
The shortage of those equipment are hindering physicians' ability to save lives. Disposable stethoscopes will reduce physicians' exposure to the fatal virus and help maintain their health! A limited number of vital-sign stations are available for physicians. It's critical to frequently measure COVID-19 patients' Blood Oxygen Saturation levels, but physicians may have to wait for a long time before nurses can move the vital-sign station over. A portable fingertip oximeter or pocket ultrasound system for ICU will help save more lives.
这些设备的短缺阻碍了医生挽救生命的能力。床头(可重复使用的)一次性听诊器将减少医生在致命病毒下的暴露,有助于维护他们的健康!可供医生使用的"生命体征站"数量非常有限。经常测量新冠患者的血氧饱和度水平至关重要,但是医生需要长时间等待护士移来体征工作站才能做测量。重症监护室配备便携式指尖血氧仪或Butterfly iQ多功能口袋超声仪将有助于挽救更多宝贵的生命,
United Under Art (https://unitedunderart.com/ 艺联你我) is a global, student-led community service initiative with the purpose of connecting underprivileged communities to the world of art. In addition to the donations, we will also run free online arts workshops and tutoring for underprivileged and health workers' children. Health workers are dedicated to fighting COVID-19 while their kids are often unattended at home. We hope to help them with workshops or one on one tutoring.
United Under Arts(https://unitedunderarts.org/艺联你我)是一项学生主导的全球性社区服务项目,旨在连接弱势群体与艺术的世界。本次除了为战斗在新冠第一线的白衣天使们募捐购买医用设备外,我们还计划为贫困社区和医护工作者的孩子们举办免费的在线艺术讲座和辅导。白衣天使们致力于战胜新冠病毒,而他们的孩子常常在家中无人照看。 我们希望通过讲座或一对一的辅导来帮助他们。
Fundraising team: United Under Arts (10)
United Under Arts
New York, NY
UUA Foundation
Serena Ding
Team member
Aaron Tse
Team member
Dylan Nguyen
Team member
Eli Cohen
Team member