Support Sylas' Journey to Football Championship
Donation protected

Sylas has been fortunate enough to play with the Delmarva Youth AllStars Football team this winter! This means Sylas and his team are traveling to Daytona, Florida January 15th thru January 20th to play in the Championship tournament for youth football!!!! We have an incredible team of 35- 13 year old talented youth football players, from the eastern shore in MD to the shores of Delaware, that are sure to play their hearts out and have the best experience playing their last youth football championship!!!!! Individually, the team members need to raise about $1,000 / player to help cover the teams: Air B&B rental, We have about 3 big shuttle buses reserved for the drive, food, and additional registration and fees while in Florida!!!!! Some parents won’t be able to travel, so we are doing all we can to ensure all the travel costs for the players are covered!!!!
Sylas is very excited about this experience and has worked extremely hard to get here- in his own words “I need football, Mom!” Sylas has been working on building his skills, technique and endurance since July, putting in speed & conditioning, being a starting lineman for his first year of youth football and continuing his strive for his passion in continuing onto All Stars!! all very incredible accomplishments for Sylas in his first year of football! Sylas is looking forward to trying out for High-school football next year and is working hard in school and in practices to reach that goal, let’s help him keep moving forward towards his future!!!!!
If you prefer to not use Go Fund Me, you can use the following services, please use “Sylas Football Donation” in the caption if you use one of the other services:
Venmo: @Nicole-Crosby-33
Cash App: $Ncrosby0820
Apple Pay: message me for the number


Nicole Crosby
Easton, MD