Support Forest Ave School 2nd Grade Promotion
Tax deductible
Please help us make the second graders' last year at Forest Avenue School (FAS) special! We are hosting a 2nd Grade Color Run to raise money to benefit Forest Avenue Home and School Association's 2nd Grade Promotion, and any donation will help make an impact. The children will run on 10/5 at the school to help raise funds. This is such an exciting and fun event! Please support your favorite FAS second grader by donating in their honor! Don't forget to leave a supportive message on the comment wall for your second grader! We will print all messages to be displayed at the run on 10/5.
Most of our events at Forest Avenue School are parent-run and funded, and we rely on donations to keep our events going. These funds will go directly to second grade promotion activities. No donation is too small; we are suggesting $5, but any amount is very much appreciated!
For more information about Forest Avenue Home and School Association and 2nd Grade Promotion, please visit https://www.glenridge.org/Page/9498
Jennifer Wood
Glen Ridge, NJ
Forest Avenue Home & School Association of Glen Ridge, NJ