Sh!t happens
On 28th August 2022, myself and my husband Craig are going to take on the challenge of completing the National three peaks in 24 hours to raise money for Crohns and Colitis UK.
I was officially diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis in 2018 after suffering with some debilitating symptoms throughout my second pregnancy onwards. In those four years I have pumped myself with numerous medications, that unfortunately have continued to fail me, and have never fully got this disease under control as of yet.
Every 8 years someone suffering with symptoms of this disease, their percentange of being diagnosed with colorectal cancer increases. By the time they have had those symptoms 25 years their chances are at 30%.
For myself I have been suffering since I was 16 years old when I was misdiagnosed.
As a parent of 3 wonderful girls, to know that in my 40s I would be living with this risk of cancer is scary.
Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis are chronic (currently incurable) conditions that cause inflammation in the gut but symptoms can impact almost every part of the body, including frequent diarrhoea often with blood/mucous, urgency, severe crippling stomach cramps, overwhelming fatigue, joint pains, mouth ulcers, inflammation of the eyes and skin .. just to name a few.
Why is poo such a big taboo?! Let’s speak about these things. It doesn’t have to be public, it can be a GP or a loved one to start. I want to raise awareness. To get those symptoms checked out no matter how embarrassing you think it could be. Embarrassment over a stool sample or an examination and catching this disease earlier to get it under control is much better then years of suffering in silent.
I don’t know yet what my future holds, a lifetime of medication for sure, immunosuppressants, infusions, surgery down the line, but we keep on fighting. These beautiful mountains have become my safe haven. Maybe one day I’ll be able to climb them and not sh!t myself (literally).
Fiona Bell
Crohn's & Colitis UK