Sean's Cancer Fund
On October 26th, 2020 my Dad went to the local ER to have his sore leg looked at. After quickly ruling out blood clots and muscle tears, the testing began. After finding out his hemoglobin and platelet counts were dangerously low, the hunt for what was wrong was well underway.
They tested for three straight days; tests the nursing staff had never heard of. Then, on Thursday, the answers came. "Mr. Sedlacek, we have found enlarged lymph nodes in your back and abdomen that are of serious concern. They are extremely large and very aggressive. We are waiting on your bone marrow biopsy to see if it has advanced to the bones." Sure enough, it was widespread, and dad was officially diagnosed with stage four lymphoma. Aggressive and dangerous. On top of this, the detox from the chemotherapy will have a dangerous impact on his transplanted kidney, giving us another thing to worry about.
As I finish this brief summary, just know that my parents, sisters, and I are truly blessed to know all of you. Dad has loved reading all your notes, comments, and encouragement, and has been a great break from this unexpected journey. Many have asked what they can do to help, or how they can donate to the cause. The simplest way is to make a donation using GoFundMe.com, or Venmo. @RebeccaSedlacek77 If you prefer Venmo, we'll post the link to donate there in the comments of this post.
As of the writing of this post, Dad is starting his second round of chemotherapy. The treatment will be continuous until this Tuesday. Pray for strength, and that the side effects would not be too severe.
Life never brings what we expect. My family and I are fervently praying that God would use this to remind us that nothing in this world will ever be perfect until we are ultimately reunited with our Lord. Until then, we can only be grateful, patient, and humble in all things, even in the immense challenges we face. If God is glorified in this, that would be enough.
Again, thank you all for your love and support, we cannot imagine facing this alone. We love you all, and we will update you as time allows.
Side effects have been severe, as we wait additional tests and scans to decide how we proceed for the third round.
Daddy isn't bouncing back as quickly as they would have hoped.
Blood counts and mouth sores are still not good, he has been unable to work. Continuous prayers appreciated!