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Save Pineiro Auto Care

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Please I ask for the help of all the people that can help me save all the effort I have made working during 17 years as an auto mechanic employee. Two and a half years ago I bought a commercial property for the cost of $1,000,000 where I was able to build my own auto mechanic shop were my dreams come true. To buy this property through a bank, the bank required me that I had to had been working on commercial property for 2 years. The only opportunity I had to buy the property was that the previous owners financed it to me for 3 years and then pass with the bank so they can see that I had been working for more than 2 years in the trade working as a mechanic. But when February 2020 arrived many people lost their jobs and my income has been affected by the lack of customers and I have had to stay alone working as an employee in the shop. I have been working 12-14 hours a day to be able to pay for all the costs of the shop and property. I do not want to lose all the effort I have made working very hard in my life. I have the taxes and the insurance of the trade paid until 2021. I also have all the auto mechanic licenses until 2021. I ask for your help, because I have less than 6 months of financing contract with the previous owners and they do not want me to finance it any longer after that with them. The bank does not want to give me the loan, because my income is not higher than last year. I have paid $200,000 already in 2 years in a half, but I still have $800,000 to pay. Please if you can help me with any donation you can, so I can make an offer again to the bank or if you can help me how to obtain financing with a bank at lowest possible interest to continue working and achieving my dreams as an entrepreneur. Thank you very much for your help and time.

Por favor les pido ayuda a todas las personas que me puedan ayudar a salvar todo el esfuerzo Que hecho trabajando durante 17 anos como empleado mecanico de auto. 2018 hace 2 anos y medio  compre una una propiedad comercial con un Costo de $ 1 000,000 donde se hiso un taller de mecanica de auto y asi poder lograr mis sueno como dueno de taller de auto. Para poder comprar esta propiedad el banco me pedia que tenia que estar trabajando 2 anos Dentro de esta propiedad comecial , la unica occion que tuve para comprar la propiedad  era que los duenos Anteriores me la financiara por 3 anos y asi poder pasar con el banco a los 2 anos de estar adentro Del comercio  trabajando como mecanico . pero al llegar el  mes de  febrero del 2020 muchas personas se han quedado sin trabajos mis ingresos se han visto afectado por falta de clientes  y he tenido que quedarme solo trabajando como empleado  en el taller, trabajando por 12 y 14 hora diarias para poder pagar todos Los costo del taller y no peder todo el esfuerzo que hecho trabajando muy duro en mi vida .Yo  tengo los tax y  el seguro del comercio pagado hasta 2021, tambien tengo pagado todas las licencias de mecanico de auto . les pido ayuda porque Me quedan meno de 6 meses de contrato de financiamiento con los duenos anteriores y ellos no me lo quieren financial por mas tiempo y el banco tampoco me quieren dar el prestamo porque  los ingresos ya no son tan alto como el año anterior.yo he pagado $ 200,000 en 2 anos y medio pero me faltan  por pagar $ 800,000 . por favor si me pueden ayudar con algo de  dinero para hacerle una oferta nuevamente al banco  o si me pueden ayudar como obtener un financiamiento con un banco al menor interes posible para continuar trabajando y lograr mis sueno como empresario. Muchas gracias por su ayuda y su tiempo.


Rodolfo Pineiro
Hialeah, FL

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