Jasper is my baby. He is almost one year old and Is the sweetest cat you will ever meet. He loves to play but on Friday I noticed that he was not acting like himself. He was not playful and he kept squatting like he wanted to use the bathroom but couldn’t so I took him to the doctor. They found out that he had a urinary tract infection and kidney stones. They started him on medication and he seemed to be responding well. Until last night when he started acting very strange and climbing into his water bowl trying to urinate but couldn’t. This morning he would not eat and his abdomen was very swollen, so I took him to the emergency vet. They told me that he has a complete blockage and will need surgery asap to repair it or he will not make it. The surgery is very expensive. I am a college student who is struggling to make it. I already exhausted what I had saved for next semester’s tuition and books to pay for the vet visit and to have him seen today. I do not have anymore money to pay and they will not do the surgery until I can give them the money for it. They told me if I could not afford it to turn him over to a local shelter. I don’t think they would have the surgery either, but would put him to sleep. I love him so much and cannot stand to see him suffer. Please help donate if you can every little bit helps and can you please share it with your friends and try to help me reach the goal before it’s too late. Thank you so much. I have included copies of the estimates and bills that they have given me so far, as well as some pictures of Jasper. I would be happy to answer any questions or share anything else that anyone needs. Thank you again.