Raise money for court and legal fees to obtain lawyers
Hey my name is Aaron,
I am reaching out to ask for help to raise money to help me pay for legal fees to gain custody and get my rights to my daughter Zoë. To retain a lawyer with a temporary order it is 2500 alone to start.
I have not seen my daughter since Febuary 23rd or spoke to her since at least the 26th of March
Money will only be for lawyers expenses once goal is met or by the time we need lawyers , wont be linked for withdrawl till goal is met or close to it.
I've been a very active loving father since she was born. We been to blazer games to san Francisco we do everything togerher. Unfortunately i didnt have my ID that night she was born. So i never ended up on the birth certificate. I could lose my hosuing for not having her staying with me as well.
As a single father at times working 2 jobs 16 hour days. 120+hr weeks at times... To staying in my mom's for 2 years almost and struggling with no car no apartment no job at a point. I've came a long way to get my little Zoe her own room and on our own again. I'm starting clark college this week and will be working a job full time. I've made nothing but changes to elevate our lives.
Zoe is my pride and joy to my life. I'm am very sad and hard to function not being able to speak speak or see my daughter. I feel I am being alienated from my daughter. For personal reasons. Not for the best interest of zoe. That no longer are apart of my life. I've took steps too change my life. With medication soon therapy and even though I'm clean. I'm willing to go to treatment as well. I've took steps to get a restraining order to protect us. I've changed jobs to get more stable as soon as I got on my own again my rights for zoe and food stamps were took from me since I asked for less days temporarily to get out of my mom's while working two jobs again.
Although I've been willing to provide a effort to better myself and Zoe. Willing to Pay child support provide drug test open my home to inspection by the mother. Cordial rights are still denied
My only offer was to only see her 1 time every 2 weeks maybe 1 time a week, supervised by the mother and boyfriend.
I don't feel any trying loving father like myself should need to pay and jump through all these hoops and miss out on vital time with my daughter growing up and lose my place of living if I don't have her.
Anything would help get me reunited with my little Zoë again