Please help Roxy and her sister Eva
Donation protected
Hi My name is Terri VanNatter and as many of you know I breed and show Rottweilers. Well my most recent litter that just turned 10 weeks old yesterday came down with a breeders most worse nightmare PARVO. The boy who went home at 8 weeks is totally fine. But the 3 girls who I had here, one went home last weekend came down with the horrible disease. One had mild symptoms but the other two had to be put on IV fluids and be hospitalized. The one I have is I believe on the mend but her sister is still at the emergency vet. This is something that financially I wasn’t prepared for. Anything little thing would help. If you want to help with yellow girls bill she is at AERA in West Caldwell NJ under Roxy Essenfeld. Treatment for can became very expensive very quickly. Both girls started eating broth and baby food today so we are all hoping they continue to get better in the right direction.
Terri Lambert
Milford, PA