Our downs syndrome son needs a heart operation
Donation protected
Hello, my name is Gareth Payne. I have 2 false legs and severe arthritis. My beautiful baby boy Alfie was born with Downs syndrome and a multitude of conditions. Worst off is the holes in his heart. 4 to be exact. With a faulty heart valve.
We live in Bangkok and all of his operations will be performed in Bangkok. We work extremely hard to make ends meet for him and of course us too. But the bills outweigh the income every time.
He is such a bouncy baby and of great spirits.
With a little help we can have a little less stress and torture finding the next part of his treatment and allow him to keep smiling.
The bills for him average 500 gbp per month. And exceed 1000 gbp. However. With all that in mind. Myself as a disabled person will fight for him regardless.
If you can afford a small donation. It will be used the right way. Not for anything other than his hospital bills.
I thank anyone who helps. And I understand anyone that doesn't.

Gareth Payne