Operation Warm Hugs 2020
My daughter Olivia created Operation Warm Hugs when she was merely four years old and has ben a tradition we commit to every year.
One evening as I picked her up from daycare, she asked me if I still had her $60 she received for Christmas. Thinking she wanted to go to a store to purchase a new toy she had been eyeing I told her it was in my purse. Her reply brought tears to my eyes, "Can we go to Tim Hortons and buy some gift cards with it? I want to give them to the people living alone on the streets so they can have something warm in their bellies for Christmas. Everyone deserves a good Christmas"
This year we are raising money to benefit Alice House (Second Stage Housing Association of Dartmouth), and any donation will help make an impact. Alice House holds a special place in our hearts and Olivia would like to help other children to also experience the Christmas morning we are so fortunate to have.
We would like to thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause that means so much to us!