Nino Project Theys
Donation protected
Hello friends!
And for those who don’t know me I am an Experimental/ Ambient sound Artist, pushing notions of Performance and Performer through unusual electronic instruments setups.
This funding will help me build a motored System, where hanging synthesizers from the ceiling, autonomously move up/ down to their own sounds.
The whole concept is based on an absurd attempt to bring Machines to life, through this vulnerable, unpredictable, and motion state. I will then perform live with this (kinetic) audio-reactive setup in April 2025.
This crazy project means a lot to me, and I'd love to make people part of the process by opening a crowdfunding!
I finished the design of the System, and build the first prototype, but now every cent will be very useful for components/ electronics and various costs <3
If the amount of overtops the needs, I want to thank you by lowering the price of the venue entry, and hopefully make it free.
Thousand thank you, and see you next April for the show!
Je travaille sur un projet de Performance conceptuelle. L’idée est de jouer un concert, dont les synthés bougent de haut en bas à l’aide un système de poulie motorisé (audio réactif).
J'ai fais le design/ plans et finis le premier prototype, mais maintenant pour construire le Système en entier dont les composants coûtent chère, j’ai également lancé cette cagnotte.
Le concert se passera à Berlin en Avril prochain, et si la somme récoltée dépasse mes besoin, j'aimerais vous remercier en diminuant le prix de l'entrée!
Mille merci pour le soutien!
IG: @nino.theys

Nino Theys
Berlin, Berlin