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My heart is breaking as I write this, As you all know, our land in Australia  is in a state of emergency, we have lost half a billion of our beautiful wildlife, 19 people are declared to have lost their lives and 200 homes are gone. Not only that but over 6 million hectares are gone and have burnt down. The fires are spreading so fast and our fire fighters have risked their lives to save ours, 3 of them which have died to save our beautiful land,  and they are still fighting hundreds of fires around Australia and if it wasn’t for them, our Country would still not be here nor our lives. Please please please reach into your heart and donate to this cause. If we can make just a little bit of a difference on our end, I’m sure it will help the firefighters and the victims in a big big way


Natalie Merifield
Newport NSW
Non-profit registrata
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