Kandersteg International Scout Centre Trip 2026
Chloe is raising money this summer to go towards her Scouts groups trip to Kandersteg International Scout Centre in 2026.
She's going as part of a group of 50 (will be scouts) and adults to camp in the Swiss Alps with scouts from all over the world, have once in a lifetime experiences, make friends and learn about herself, others and the world.
Holmes Chapel Scout Hut is 811 miles from the Kandersteg International Scout Centre, Each of the Cubs/Scouts have been challenged to hike 32 miles over summer to cover “their part” of the return Journey. It might not sound a lot, but for a 10 year old it’s a fairly big challenge.
The group have a tracker showing all of their updates.
1st Holmes Chapel Scout Group believe in preparing young people with skills for life. They encourage young people to do more, learn more and be more. Each Week Holmes Chapel Scout Group give young people of Holmes Chapel and the local area, the opportunity to enjoy fun and adventure while developing the skills they need to succeed.
Laura De Medeiros
1st Holmes Chapel Scout Group