Mum's Cancer Treatment Fund
Donation protected
In June 2019 Mum was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a mastectomy as well as 17 lymph nodes removed in August, then underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy which ended in March 2020. We had time for a quick fist pump, but then Covid-19 took hold and we were all put in lockdown. Mum was more intensely impacted through shielding, due to the immune depleting effects of the chemo and the ongoing hormone treatment she was on. Unfortunately Mum's cancer has proven to be almost as aggressive as her driving, and not only did she not go into remission as previously thought, but in June this year, only 3 months after we'd thought it was over, we found out that the cancer had spread to her lungs, liver and bones. Thanks 2020. She's been on more treatments since, however her oncologists have confirmed that her cancer is multi drug resistant and nothing seems to be working. It's becoming apparent that we're reaching the end of the line for conventional treatments.However, we haven't lost hope yet because there are a number of private treatments not available on the NHS which may help to stall the cancer at least, if not turn things around entirely and start to shrink it. These include mistletoe therapy (sounds crazy but Google it), intravenous vitamin C and oncothermia, which break down the cancer cells and give chemo (which she's on yet again) a better chance of killing it. Unlike chemo, instead of destroying her immune system (really not ideal right now) these treatments will actually boost it and help to alleviate the side effects of chemo. She's also on literally dozens of other drugs and supplements in an effort to starve the cancer of the food and environment it needs in which to thrive. Unfortunately this all comes at a price - all inclusive it's over £6,000 per month. We've managed the costs of the drugs and supplements so far, but we are desperate to get going with the IVC and oncothermia, which make up the vast majority of that monthly cost. Thanks to the double whammy of cancer and Covid, Mum's business has been non-operational for most of this year, and we have now reached the point where we need to ask for help. It is incredibly difficult to ask other people for money, but we have to find a way of getting these treatments because we cannot give up this fight. We know this has been an awful year for everyone and we are aware that for many, money is tight. But if you can spare anything to help us save our Mum from this wretched disease we would be so, so grateful and your help will never be forgotten, however this plays out. We also hope that through this we can raise awareness of the multitude of safe, alternative treatments there are, and if anyone else is unfortunate enough to be in this position, now or in the future, we would strongly recommend reading "How To Starve Cancer" by Jane McLelland.Thank you for taking the time to read this and if you are able to donate, we can't tell you how much that means to us.
Organizer and beneficiary
Sophie Mantle
Joanna Mantle