Medical and rehousing for Phoenix (and others)
Ok so.. this is a lot.
3 enbys looking to afford emergency rehousing, and unexpected ER/medical bills
I was waiting to do this until I needed to move, I’m currently homeless (I recently left an emotionally abusive household for my safety) and my partner (Phoenix) is going to be homeless very soon. Beyond that, we’re moving in with a friend who’s trying to escape an emotionally and somewhat physically abusive household. Given our circumstances,we knew we’d need to ask for money eventually, but I was going to wait until we were officially moving, as we knew we’d need help with rent- safety deposits- food- and more. We’re all incredibly mentally ill and have lots of medical fees to add on to this.
all of that being said, today Phoenix was riding their bike back from the store and completely wiped out. Their shoulder is messed up as well as their neck. Someone flagged down police, who called an ambulance and firetruck. They’ve just been taken to the ER. This brings up unforeseen medical expenses we just won’t be able to handle alone.
im so sorry to be asking for help, this is just so much to handle and things feel like they’re crumbling. We can’t do it alone anymore.
thank you for taking the time to read. If you can’t give, please share. Either way, have an amazing day. Thank you.