Meanjin Reggae Festival shortfall!
Friends, Family, Followers, Sound System Community, Meanjin crew and those from a far...
Our dear friends at Champion Sound have busted their backsides for months organising and delivering one of the most authentic and valued free community events on the Sound System calender in Australia.
However, this year presented unexpected challenges. Due to unforeseen costs—such as hiring generators after the council cut off mains power—and a heavy downpour that forced us to halt the festivities midway, attendance at the after party was not as high as we had hoped. As a result, Champion Sound, a non-profit organization that selflessly orchestrates this event each year, faced a financial shortfall.
Champion Sound are a Non-for-profit organisation that pull this event together off their own backs every year and this year the festival didn't quite break even.
We invite anyone and/or everyone to dig deep, and of course, only what you can afford to donate, to help balance the books and ensure that this money does not come from their own pockets.
We truly love and appreciate everything that Champion Sound and the team does to bring this event to Meanjin every year and we wholeheartedly want to see it continue long into the future.
Big Ups
One Love
From and on behalf of the whole Sound System Community

Hex Sound System
Bli Bli, QLD
Champion Sound Ltd