Mark Brown vs. COVID19
Donation protected

Let me begin by saying Thank you for your constant prayers and text messages, your well wishes and prayers are so needed right now. My "Brown" as I affectionately call him is facing an uphill battle. Many of you know Mark from WAY back in his baseball days, others know him as a Police Officer (that's either good or bad, depending on your circumstance). I am lucky enough to know him as my constant, my rock, my official bug killer, my life partner, and the father of our four children. He is simply one of a kind and he's extraordinary.
I know at times like this it common to have curiosity and people have asked "Do you know how he got it? Was he exposed at work?" No, we don't know how "We" got it. You read that correctly.
Our COVID journey began on Wednesday, 5/13/2020 when our oldest son came home from work not feeling well and running a temperature. We immediately decided that it would be best to have him tested to air on the side of caution. Being that Mark is a first responder, we thought it would be best if he were to be tested as well (Mark had a slight cough, which we thought was allergies but, otherwise felt fine). The very next day, Thursday, 5/14/2020, we took Mark and Christopher to be tested. By Friday night 05/15/2020, I started to feel ill and developed body aches, fever, and chills. The weekend came and went and Monday morning (5/18/2020) arrived, our family doctor called to notify us that Christopher had indeed tested positive and since I was now exhibiting symptoms, I too should be tested. We still didn't have Mark's results and although his cough was still there, he didn't have any additional symptoms. I was tested on Monday, 5/18/2020 and still felt pretty bad, luckily for me, it was more (flu-like) lethargy, chills, muscle aches, fever. Mark also started to feel bad, (still no results for him) His results were never located through the Ready Harris system. Once it was confirmed on Thursday, 5/21/2020 that I too was positive for COVID, the doctor said to monitor my symptoms and if breathing became an issue to head to the ER. Mark was starting to get worse, so we quarantined together like two peas in a pod sharing a box of tissue and a bottle of Tylenol. Mark's breathing was starting to become an issue so I decided to take him to the ER on Saturday night, after observation, x-rays, and lab work he was released to come home. Sunday, he seemed to be getting better, by this point I was feeling better too. On Monday he started to feel bad again, so he rested the majority of the day and continued to get worse. On Tuesday, we agreed that he should return to the hospital. After additional tests, it was determined that he should be hospitalized.
This virus is unpredictable and affects everyone differently. Christopher had a mild case and was better within a couple of days. It took me a few more days and my symptoms were worse than Christopher's but I never developed a cough, even though I was short of breath. Mark on the other hand has experienced every symptom known and his breathing issues have become critical.
We don't know what's going to happen or how long he will be in the hospital. We don't have answers and to make things worse, no visitors are allowed in the hospitals at this time, so my dear husband is fighting this battle alone without me there to comfort him. So many of you have reached out to ask if you can help.
Mark has always been the primary breadwinner is our family, he also carries our health insurance benefits. He is out of sick day/personal days/vacation days, therefore he is no longer receiving a paycheck. These donated funds will be used to pay not only his medical bills, but will help sustain our family during difficult and trying time.
Please continue to keep him in your prayers. Please keep us in your prayers. We need him.
With love and gratitude,
Michelle Brown
Michelle Brown
Rosslyn, TX