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Mariana's financial aid

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Dragi prieteni,

Dupa cum multi dintre voi stiti, mama noastra, Mariana, a fost diagnosticata cu cancer in aprilie 2016, in urma unei operatii care a durat aproximativ 4 ore,doctorii au eliminat tumoarea gasita, dar a fost nevoie sa inceapa chimio terapia deoarece mai existau niste ganglioni situati in zona colonului. Au urmat 5 sedinte de chimio terapie dupa care Mariana se simtea foarte slabita si a decis sa intrerupa chimioterapia ruganduse pentru vindecare. In tot acest timp a incercat sa ramana pozitiva si sa isi puna increderea in Domnul, sperand ca El va face o minune. Domnul si-a aratat maretia Sa iar cand si-a refacut analizele in luna octombrie pentru a vedea care a fost rezultatul chimio terapiei acestea nu mai aratau urma de cancer. La doar 2 zile dupa aflarea rezultatelor a fost incercata dinnou printr-un accident frontal in timp ce se indreptau spre biserica din Lazareni, unde Misu slujeste ca pastor. Din fericire au scapat cu rani usoare iar rezultatele analizelor facute dupa accident confirmau ca in corpul ei nu se mai vedea nici urma de cancer. Am fost extrem de multumitori si recunoscatori Domnului pentru minunea pe care o facuse.

Dupa toate acestea medicul oncolog i-a recomandat ca la implinirea unui an de la sfarsitul chimioterapiei trebuie sa isi refaca dinnou analizele, asta insemnand luna octombrie 2017.

Insa aproximativ din luna iulie, Mariana a inceput din nou sa resimta dureri in zona abdominala si avea de multe ori intoleranta la orice tip de mancare. In septembrie a decis sa merga in Austria pentru niste analize (ea fiind asigurata acolo, deoarece inainte sa fie bolnava lucra in Austria de aproximativ 4 ani si jumatate). Ajunsa in Austria a fost internata, iar dupa o serie de analize care au durat peste 1 saptamana, medicii au decis sa o opereze. Cancerul recidivase, avea din nou tumoare, iar aceasta ii afectase colonu si vezica. In urma acestei operatii medicii au scos 5kg de tumoare,au inlaturat tot colonu (mai putin 5 cm din el),vezica,uterul, ovarele si a fost nevoie sa ii faca urostomie si  colostomie.

Medicii s-au aratat multumiti de operatie si au decis sa inceapa chimioterapia imediat deoarece acei ganglioni ramasi produc din nou tumoare,dar chimioterapia a fost amanata deoarece partea de jos a operatiei s-a infectat la cateva zile dupa ce a fost operata. Dupa cateva zile in care au incercat sa ii curete zona infectata si au inchis inapoi operatia dar aceasta a continuat sa se infecteze si sa produca lichid care ajungea pana in zona abdominala de aceea medicii au descis sa redeschida partea de joa a operatiei pentru a putea curata si trata mai bine infectia.

Misu este cu Mariana in Austria deoarece are nevoie de cineva care sa fie tot timpul langa ea  iar dupa ce va incepe chimio terapia vor fi nevoiti sa ramana acolo timp de cel putin 6 luni. Biserica de acolo s-a oferit sa le dea o camera unde vor putea sta in zilele in care Mariana nu va fi in spital deoarece naveta Romania-Austria este aproape imposibila din cauza condtiei lui Mariana.

Ca sa poata continua tratamentul in Austria, Mariana trebuie sa isi plateasca asigurarea in valoare de 640euro o data la 3 luni. Urmeaza o perioada dificila din punct de vedere financiar deoarece ea nu mai poate lucra, Misu deasemenea este cu ea in permanenta iar momentan nu au nici un venit pentru cheltuielile necesare in urmatoarele 6 luni.

Motivul pentru care am creat aceasta pagina este de a incerca sa luam de pe umerii parintilor nostrii stresul financiar prin persoanele care vor sa ajute.

Ne incredem in Domnul in ciuda incercarilor si dificultatilor cu care ne confruntam, si ii suntem multumitori pentru fiecare zi. Stim ca El este in control indiferent de ce va urma. Deasemenea vrem sa multumim prietenilor pentru compasiunea, incurajarile si sprijinul lor, pentru ca ne-au sustinut si ne sustin in continuare in rugaciune.

Dumnezeu sa va binecuvinteze!

Dear friends,

As many of you know, our mother, Mariana, was diagnosed with cancer in April 2016. After a surgery that lasted about 4 hours, the doctors have removed the tumor found in her body, but she still had to start chemotherapy straightaway because there were some ganglia located in the colon area. Five chemotherapy sessions followed after which Mariana felt very weak and decided to stop the treatment while praying for healing. All this time, she tried to stay positive and trust God, hoping that He would perform a miracle. The Lord showed His greatness, and when she redid her CT scan in October to see the result of chemotherapy, they showed no trace of cancer. Just two days after the results, they were put to the test by being involved in a car accident as they headed for the church in Lazareni, where Misu serves as pastor. Fortunately, they escaped with minor injuries and the results of the tests made after the accident confirmed that no trace of cancer was found in her body. We were extremely thankful and grateful to God for the miracle He had done.

After all this, the oncologist recommended her that one year after the end of the chemotherapy she have a checkup done in October of 2017. But sometime in July, Mariana again began to experience abdominal pain and was often intolerant to different types of food. In September she decided to go to Austria for some tests (she had a medical insurance there because, before she was sick, she worked in Austria for about four and a half years).

When she arrived in Austria she was hospitalized and after a series of tests lasting over a week, doctors decided to perform surgery. The cancer had relapsed. She had a tumor again, and this time it affected the colon and the bladder. Following this surgery, the doctors removed 5kg of cancerous tissue, the colon (except 5 cm), bladder, uterus, ovaries and as a result she has a colostomy and urostomy. Doctors were pleased with the results and decided to start chemotherapy immediately due to the risk of the remaining tissue producing cancerous cells again. However the chemotherapy has been postponed due to the lower part of the operation getting infected a few days after the surgery. They tried to clean the infected area and closed the wound but the infection persisted and produced fluid that went up to the abdominal area, so the doctors have decided to reopen the part of the operation to clear and treat the infection better.

Misu is with Mariana in Austria because she needs someone who is always around her and after each chemotherapy session. They will have to stay there for at least 6 months. The church offered to give them a room where they could stay in the days when Mariana would not be in the hospital because the Romania-Austria commute will be almost impossible due to Mariana's condition.

 In order to be able to continue her treatment in Austria, Mariana has to pay her insurance worth 640 euros, every three months. This is a difficult financial time because she cannot work anymore. Misu is also with her on a permanent basis and currently has no income for the necessary expenses in the next 6 months.

The reason I created this page is to try and take away a bit of the burden from our parents' shoulders through people who wish to help.

We trust the Lord in spite of the trials and difficulties we face, and we are thankful for every day. We know that He is in control no matter what will follow. We also want to thank our friends for their compassion, encouragement and support, because they have supported us and continue to support us in prayer.

God bless you!


  • Anuta Scridon
    • €20 
    • 6 yrs


Sara Croitoru

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