Lynne The WonderTwin CancerSurvivor
Imagine the mounting medical bills from one oncology appointment, one month of prescriptions, one round of chemo...
...now multiply that times two - each month
...then subtract one entire income
...then subtract any savings used
...then add the cost of down-sizing and moving
...then - well hopefully you get my point.
This is why this campaign was created.
If you're intrigued, PLEASE READ ON!
This is the story of my parents and I hope it moves you to help.
I could say this is the story of a boy and a girl who fell in love as teens, separated - by the trials of life - as young adults, then found their way back to each other twenty years later, got married and lived happily ever-after.
But that is not how Louis and Lynne's story ends, and thus the reason for this fundraising campaign.
You see, right after they reunited and wed in 1995, Louis found out he was sick. Though the illness was treatable, it marked the beginning of another twenty-year battle. Lynne would remain ever vigilant by his side.
In November 2015, Louis' illness progressed and he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Liver Cancer with a 4-month life expectancy. But he fought and they would celebrate another wedding anniversary the following year.
The fall of 2016 would bring the first-loves their biggest challenge yet. In November, Lynne found a lump.
She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Stage 1 Breast Cancer and a successful lumpectomy was performed. But the remainder of 2016 would be wrought with multiple doctor's visits for both.
This amazing couple rang in the New Year tag-teaming all things cancer-related. Rooted firmly in their faith, Louis and Lynne faced their battles head-on, always with love and laughter.
2017 would be dubbed The Year of The Cancer WonderTwins.
As his primary caretaker, Lynne remained committed to caring for Louis even through her own discomfort. Unfortunately, Louis' health would begin to rapidly decline and on March 2 - he lost his battle with cancer.
The next week, Lynne received her 3rd round of chemo then buried the love of her life.
No one should have to write out checks for funeral services for their loved one while they receive their own chemo treatment - NO ONE!
I wish I was in a position to take away all of my mother's financial burdens, but that is not the case. And I know there are so many people in this world with problems of their own.
But if you know how much cancer sucks and this story moved you, please consider giving.
Thank you in advance.
A Grateful Daughter