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Little August Azel funeral fund

Don protégé
August Azel Kuskie was born on August 24, 2020 and passed away in the loving arms of his mother on October 1, 2020.

He was a fighter, he tried very hard to stay with us but in the end his little heart could not fight any longer. 

His mother is a lover of poems and this one is for August.

Heaven’s Rocking Chair
Are there rocking chairs in Heaven
where little babies go?
Do the angels hold you closely
and rock you to and fro?

Do they talk silly baby talk
to get a smile or two,
and sing the sleepy lullabies
I used to sing to you?

My heart is aching for you,
my angel child so dear.
You brought such joy into my life,
the short time you were here.

I know you’re in a happy place,
and in God’s loving care.
I dream each night I’m rocking you
in Heaven’s rocking chair.

by Ron Tranmer ©

Ashley and I are staying at the Ronald McDonald House in Phoenix Arizona while we wait for the funeral home to take our beloved angel.  We are having him cremated so that his mother will always have him by her side not only in spirit but also in body.

It looks like we are going to be here awhile.  It takes 7 to 14 business days for the process.  Unfortunately we need to get back to Washington soon, I have to work.

To expedite the process (5 to 7 days) it will cost us a lot more. 

We are asking our dear friends and family to please assist us in the cost of not only the cremation but also our trip home to Washington.  

We made it $1000 but we don't necessarily need that much.  Anything does help. 

We LOVE you all.



Kathleen Renzelman
Concrete, WA

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