Lisa's Stage 4 Lung Cancer Fund
Donation protected
Hello my name is Lisa Johnson I am 57 years old and no longer able to work. I worked with kids in after school care and summer camp. Every One enjoys seasons in their lives when we are young its spring the time of rebirth and then we enjoy our summer, and fall seasons our winter months are our ending times. As I enter the later seasons of my life STAGE 4 Lung Cancer has decided to be a part of my life along with 3 beautiful grandchildren and 3 children along with a wonderful sister and brother and friends and most important my faith in GOD.
This past 4th of July I spent sick in bed was sick all week finally was able to be seen in the doctor's office that Friday. Was told I had a raging UTI sent home on antibiotics the following Monday was notified that I needed to go to the ER because of critically low sodium. After being admitted to the hospital that night I was taken for a CT scan and the following morning I was woken by the doctor and told I had stage 4 lung cancer with it having spread to my liver and more than likely my brain.I am currently still in the hospital due to my sodium and working to get it under control the type of cancer I have causes this condition with the sodium and is how many get the diagnoses. I had been working until this with no issues and no thought something might be wrong with me. I am no longer able to work because I will need to focus on treatment and my immunity being compromised . I was told the type of cancer I have there is no 100 percent cure rate but they can shrink the tumors and give me a longer better quality of life. Any help I can receive will go straight to my care and if I ever receive more than I need I will pay it forward to another person in need and shut down the site. This is only for help because I am single and unable to work due to this life changing news. I have been living in an upstairs apartment and now will be living with family so they can help drive me to treatment and other appointments. I was driving myself everywhere but now driving will be only short distances due to health and vision issues. As I enter this final season of my life I ask only for help so as not to be a complete burden on my family. As the bible says Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man cometh upon the Father but by Him . I will be spending quality time studying God's word and praying for a peaceful transfer from this life to the next and for comfort for my family when I'm gone.Please know I will be praying for all who read this and by name those that comment comforting words and or donate to my care fund.
This past 4th of July I spent sick in bed was sick all week finally was able to be seen in the doctor's office that Friday. Was told I had a raging UTI sent home on antibiotics the following Monday was notified that I needed to go to the ER because of critically low sodium. After being admitted to the hospital that night I was taken for a CT scan and the following morning I was woken by the doctor and told I had stage 4 lung cancer with it having spread to my liver and more than likely my brain.I am currently still in the hospital due to my sodium and working to get it under control the type of cancer I have causes this condition with the sodium and is how many get the diagnoses. I had been working until this with no issues and no thought something might be wrong with me. I am no longer able to work because I will need to focus on treatment and my immunity being compromised . I was told the type of cancer I have there is no 100 percent cure rate but they can shrink the tumors and give me a longer better quality of life. Any help I can receive will go straight to my care and if I ever receive more than I need I will pay it forward to another person in need and shut down the site. This is only for help because I am single and unable to work due to this life changing news. I have been living in an upstairs apartment and now will be living with family so they can help drive me to treatment and other appointments. I was driving myself everywhere but now driving will be only short distances due to health and vision issues. As I enter this final season of my life I ask only for help so as not to be a complete burden on my family. As the bible says Jesus is the way the truth and the life no man cometh upon the Father but by Him . I will be spending quality time studying God's word and praying for a peaceful transfer from this life to the next and for comfort for my family when I'm gone.Please know I will be praying for all who read this and by name those that comment comforting words and or donate to my care fund.
Lisa Johnson
Broken Arrow, OK