Love's Tribute: Aid Needed After Tragic Loss
Donation protected
*Mi nombre es Andrés Buitrago, y me encuentro buscando apoyo tras un trágico accidente automovilístico. Lamentablemente, perdí a mi hijo, y mi esposa se encuentra en estado crítico de salud. En este momento tan difícil, estoy recaudando fondos para hacer frente a las adversidades económicas que esta tragedia ha generado en nuestras vidas. Cualquier contribución será profundamente apreciada mientras atravesamos este doloroso camino. Agradezco de corazón su compasión y solidaridad en estos momentos tan difíciles.
*Update 31/12/2023:
Dear friends,
With a shattered heart, I sincerely thank you for your generous donation towards Paola's medical expenses. She has faced heartbreaking moments following the tragic traffic accident and the painful loss of Sebastián, my beloved son. Your support has been a soothing balm in these challenging times. I invite you to watch the video with the latest updates and expressions of gratitude.
Andrés Buitrago

*On Monday, December 25th, 15-year-old Andres Buitrago and his family were involved in a tragic car accident that took the life of their only son, Juan Sebastian.
To make matters even worse, his mom, Paola Cifuentes, was critically injured, and she is currently in intense care, fighting for her life.
We are also working on getting a humanitarian visa for Paola's mother, who resides in Colombia, to come to her grandson's funeral and see her daughter.
Juan Sebastian Buitrago, who on December 26th was going to turn 16 years old, was an enthusiastic kid who was part of the Reserve Officers' Training Corps (NJROTC) at school, and his dream to serve this country was shattered.
The purpose of the GoFunMe is to provide the necessary financial support for a family whose lives changed in the blink of an eye. Medical bills, financial support, and memorial services, among many other reasons. Any support and prayers for this family will make a difference.

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Andres Buitrago
Plainfield, NJ