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KASWEA - Fundraising 2017

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Dear KASWEA members,

Purpose: To support Korean doctoral students who are studying in the US and Canada to successfully graduate and achieve their goals

We are Intae Yoon (North Carolina State University), Suk-hee Kim (Northern Kentucky University), and Yi Jin Kim (University of Mississippi), Scholarship Fundraising Committee of the Korean American Social Work Educators Association (KASWEA). It is exciting to have many Korean American scholars working in the US and Canada as professors and/or students. We estimate there are more than 110 Korean American professors and 200 doctoral students. We believe this surprising growth of the Korean American social work community is thanks to senior Korean American educators, who have helped and supported Korean American students and junior faculty. We would like to appreciate greatly their efforts, help, and accomplishment.

In 2013, we had the first fundraising among KASWEA members to support doctoral students’ travel to conferences. We successfully raised total $4,948.26 ($440 in 2013, $637.26 in 2014, and $1,871 in 2015, $2,000 in 2016) and have spent all raised to support total 12 doctoral students so far (see Appendix). We would like to take a moment to give a big thank you to all who helped it happen by coordinating the fundraising, donating generously, and selecting a student to support. 

It would be needless to emphasize the importance of doctoral students attending national conferences, such as CSWE APM and SSWR, for sharing information, networking, meeting and interviewing potential employers, and eventually establishing themselves as productive educators. However, it is true that many students cannot attend them due to financial difficulties, jeopardizing their job prospective. KASWEA would like to help students by raising a scholarship fund from Korean American professors and supporting a few doctoral students annually for conference travel. Please consider your contribution to this fund so that future social work educators realize their dreams.

How to donate?  We use Gofundme website:

You can donate even if you don’t have a Gofundme account. Also, you can leave a message with your name in the website. 

Contribution requested:  You can contribute whatever amount you want. If you are not sure of the right amount, we would like to suggest you giving us $20 or higher.

When to donate?  You can contribute whenever you want. For the purpose of supporting students for this year’s CSWE APM in the end of October, you are encouraged to contribute by October 11, 2017.

How is the fund administered?
The fund is maintained by the Scholarship Fundraising Committee (Chair: Dr. Intae Yoon, North Carolina State University;  Committees: Dr. Suk-hee Kim, Northern Kentucky University and Dr. Yi Jin Kim, University of Mississippi).

The fund is used only to support doctoral students’ travel to CSWE APM.
Scholarship recipients are selected by the Award Review Committee, (Chair: Dr. Hee Yun Lee, University of Minnesota;  Committees: Dr. Mingun Lee, Ohio University and Dr. Jeehoon Kim, Idaho State University).

The Scholarship Fundraising Committee will have an annual report to all KASWEA members at CSWE APM.

Once the fund is established, the Scholarship Fundraising Committee of the KASWEA will discuss if we are to be registered as a non-profit organization so that all contributions can be tax exempted.

We would like to ask you to consider contributing to this scholarship fund. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, feel free to contact Intae Yoon ([email redacted]), Suk-hee Kim ([email redacted]), and Yi Jin Kim ([email redacted]). Thank you very much for your consideration. We are looking forward to your contribution!

Best wishes,
Scholarship Fundraising Committee, KASWEA

Drs. Intae Yoon, Suk-hee Kim, and Yi Jin Kim
September 11, 2017

[Appendix 1] Donors List

2016 (Total 24)
Ahn, Haksoon (University of Maryland)
An, Soonok (The University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Choi, Sunha (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Choi, Y. Joon (University of Georgia)
Chung, InSoo (East Carolina University)
Hahn, Sur Ah (Western Carolina University)
Han, Eunhee (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Jang, Yuri (University of Texas at Austin)
Kim-Goh, Mikyong (California State University-Fullerton)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College of New Jersey)
Kim, Suk-hee (Northern Kentucky University)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Kim, Youngmi (Virginia Commenwealth University)
Lee, Jaewon (California State University)
Lee, Joohee (University of Southern Mississippi)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Lee, Mingun (Ohio University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Park, Nan Sook (University of South Florida)
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)

2015 (Total 23)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Choi, Sunha (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Choi, Yoonsun (University of Chicago)
Hahm, Hyeouk (Boston University)
Han, Eunhee (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Hong, Michin (Indiana University)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College)
Kim, Sook Hyun (Robert Wesleyan College)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Koh, Eun (The Catholic University of America)
Lee, Ji Seon (Fordham University)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Lee, Yeon-Shim (San Francisco State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Nam, Yunju (University at Buffalo)
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)
Anonymous - 3

2014 (Total 14)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Lee, Hee Yun (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Lee, Joohee (University of Southern Mississippi)
Lee, Kyeunghae (University of Kansas)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Nam, Yunju (University at Buffalo)
Park, Nan Sook (University of South Florida) 
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)

2013 (Total 8)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Namkee (University of Texas at Austin)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Jang, Yuri (University of Texas at Austin)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College of New Jersey)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)

[Appendix 2] Recipients List

2016 (Total 6)
Dr. Eunlye Lee (Research Associate, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University)
Dr. Eunyoung Jang
Dr. Irang Kim (Northwestern State University of Louisiana)
Junghee Han (Ph.D. Student, Fordham University)
Dr. Jungup Lee (National University of Singapore)
Dr. Min-Kyoung Rhee (Post-doc, University of Texas at Austin)

2015 (Total 3)
Dr. Soonok An (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Dr. Hyunyong Park (Post-doc, Department of Family Medicine, Case Western Reserve University)
Dr. Susan Yoon (Ohio State University)

2014 (Total 2)
Dr. Eunhee Han (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Dr. Soyoung Park (Adjunct Lecturer, New York University)

2013 (Total 1)
Dr. Yi Jin Kim (University of Mississippi)


사회복지 교수님들께 드리는 기부 요청

목적: 미국과 캐나다에서 사회복지 박사과정 중에 있는 한국 학생들이 무사히 졸업하고 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 장학금을 지원하기 위함

안녕하세요. 한국인 사회복지 교육자협회 (KASWEA) 에서 장학금 위원회를 맡고 있는 윤인태 (North Carolina State University), 김숙희 (Northern Kentucky University), 김이진 (University of Mississippi) 입니다. 많은 한국인들이 북미지역 사회복지교육현장에서 교수로, 학생으로 열심히 일하고 공부하고 있습니다. 현재 약 110명 이상의 한국인교수와 200명 이상의 한국인 박사과정 학생이 미국과 캐나다에 계시는 것으로 추산됩니다. 북미지역 사회복지분야에서 한국인들의 지위와 역할이 이렇게 높아진 데에는 그동안 보이지 않게 후배 학생들을 돕고 지원해 주신 선배 교수님들의 힘이 아주 컸습니다. 이 자리를 빌어 감사의 말씀을 드립니다.

장학금 조성을 위한 모금은 박사과정 학생들의 학회 참석을 지원하기 위하여 2013년부터 시작되었습니다. 2013년부터 2016년 까지 총 $4,948.26 ($440 in 2013, $637.26 in 2014, and $1,871 in 2015, $2,000 in 2016) 이 모금되어 현재까지 총 12명의 박사과정 학생들의 학회 참석 비용 일부를 지원하였습니다 (부록 참고). 지금까지 모금을 계획, 진행하고 모금에 참여해 주신 모든 분들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다.

박사 공부를 마치고 원하는 일을 하기 위해서는 CSWE APM 이나 SSWR와 같이 대표적인 사회복지 학회에 자주 참석하여 정보를 교환하고, 관계를 만들고, 면접을 보는 것이 중요합니다. 하지만 많은 박사과정 학생들이 재정적인 부담으로 인해 학회에 참석하지 못하고 장래를 개척하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 이에 저희 교육자협회에서는 한국인 교수님들을 중심으로 장학금을 조성하여, 매년 박사과정 학생들을 선발하여 학회에 참석하는 경비의 일부를 지원하고자 합니다. 모쪼록 많이 참여해 주셔서 후배 학생들이 꿈을 이룰 수 있도록 도와주시길 간절히 부탁드립니다.

기부 방법: Gofundme웹사이트를 통해 기부가 가능합니다.

기부요청 금액: 기부금액에는 아무런 제한이 없습니다. 얼마를 기부해야 할지 망설여지시면 $20 이상을 권해드리고 싶습니다.

기부 날짜: 여건이 되실 때 언제든지 기부하실 수 있습니다. 다만 올해10월에 열리는 CSWE APM 에 참석하는 박사과정 학생들을 선발하여 장학금을 지원하기 위해서 일차 기부 마감을 2017년 10월 11일로 하고자 합니다.

장학금 운영방법
·       장학금은 교육자협회 장학금 위원회 (의장: Dr. Intae Yoon, North Carolina State University;  위원: Dr. Suk-hee Kim, Northern Kentucky University and Dr. Yi Jin Kim, University of Mississippi) 에서 관리합니다.
·       장학금은 CSWE APM학회에 참석하는 박사과정 학생의 경비를 지원하는 데에만 사용됩니다.
·       장학생 선발은 교육자협회 선발위원회 (의장: Dr. Hee Yun Lee, University of Minnesota;  위원: Dr. Mingun Lee, Ohio University and Dr. Jeehoon Kim, Idaho State University) 에서 합니다. 
·       매년 CSWE  APM에서 열리는 교육자협회 총회에서 모든 기부 및 사용내역을 보고합니다.

아무쪼록 이 장학사업이 잘 운영될 수 있도록 교수님들의 아낌없는 지원과 성원을 바랍니다. 이와 관련하여 궁금한 점이나 제안, 요청하실 일이 있으면 언제라도 윤인태 ([email redacted]), 김숙희 ([email redacted]), 김이진 ([email redacted])에게 연락을 주십시오.


미주사회복지교육자협회 장학금 위원회
윤인태, 김숙희, 김이진 드림

2017년 9월 11일

[부록 1] 기부자 명단

2016 (24명)
Ahn, Haksoon (University of Maryland)
An, Soonok (The University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Choi, Sunha (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Choi, Y. Joon (University of Georgia)
Chung, InSoo (East Carolina University)
Hahn, Sur Ah (Western Carolina University)
Han, Eunhee (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Jang, Yuri (University of Texas at Austin)
Kim-Goh, Mikyong (California State University-Fullerton)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College of New Jersey)
Kim, Suk-hee (Northern Kentucky University)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Kim, Youngmi (Virginia Commenwealth University)
Lee, Jaewon (California State University)
Lee, Joohee (University of Southern Mississippi)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Lee, Mingun (Ohio University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Park, Nan Sook (University of South Florida)
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)

2015 (23명)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Choi, Sunha (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Choi, Yoonsun (University of Chicago)
Hahm, Hyeouk (Boston University)
Han, Eunhee (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Hong, Michin (Indiana University)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College)
Kim, Sook Hyun (Robert Wesleyan College)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Koh, Eun (The Catholic University of America)
Lee, Ji Seon (Fordham University)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Lee, Yeon-Shim (San Francisco State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Nam, Yunju (University at Buffalo)
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)
Anonymous - 3

2014 (14명)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Ga-Young (University of Northern Iowa)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College)
Kim, Yi Jin (University of Mississippi)
Lee, Hee Yun (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Lee, Joohee (University of Southern Mississippi)
Lee, Kyeunghae (University of Kansas)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Nam, Yunju (University at Buffalo)
Park, Nan Sook (University of South Florida) 
Roh, Soonhee (University of South Dakota)
Yeo, Younsook (St. Cloud State University)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)

2013 (8명)
Cho, Hyunkag (Michigan State University)
Choi, Namkee (University of Texas at Austin)
Hong, Seunghye (University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa)
Jang, Yuri (University of Texas at Austin)
Kim, Seonmi (Ramapo College of New Jersey)
Lee, Kyoung Hag (Wichita State University)
Moon, Sung Seek (University of South Carolina)
Yoon, Intae (North Carolina State University)


[부록 2] 장학금 수혜자 명단

2016 (6명)
Dr. Eunlye Lee (Research Associate, School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University)
Dr. Eunyoung Jang
Dr. Irang Kim (Northwestern State University of Louisiana)
Junghee Han (Ph.D. Student, Fordham University)
Dr. Jungup Lee (National University of Singapore)
Dr. Min-Kyoung Rhee (Post-doc, University of Texas at Austin)

2015 (3명)
Dr. Soonok An (University of North Carolina at Greensboro)
Dr. Hyunyong Park (Post-doc, Department of Family Medicine, Case Western Reserve University)
Dr. Susan Yoon (Ohio State University)

2014 (2명)
Dr. Eunhee Han (Post-doc, Ewha Womans University)
Dr. Soyoung Park (Adjunct Lecturer, New York University)

2013 (1명)
Dr. Yi Jin Kim (University of Mississippi)


  • InSoo Chung
    • $50 
    • 7 yrs

Organizer and beneficiary

Yi Jin Kim
Southaven, MS
Intae Yoon

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