Justine Lex’s kicking Cancers ass fund
I am creating this GoFundMe for my sister andher family for the medical expenses they are going to endure during the weeks to come. My brother-in-law Brandon is the primary income for their family which allows my sister to stay at home with their two children. With that being said, Brandon will be taking off a good bit without pay to help take care of Justine and their two daughters.
If you can’t donate please just pray for my sister to win this battle and come out stronger and even healthier.
I will be posting updates about my sister on here with how she is doing and such.
Here is my sisters most recent update that sheposted on her Facebook:
3 weeks ago I ended up in the ER due to abdominal pain that I had been having consecutive for 2 weeks (literally didnt think much of it until the last few days of the 2 weeks because my stomach quickly grew huge and was hard). A MRI and Ultra Sound showed an 8 inch cyst on my left ovary.
I was then referred to Dr. Fitzgerald, she specifically specializes in Gynecological Oncology at the Women's Cancer Center.
Plan of attack was to remove the 8 inch cyst 4 days later, which was removed as well as my left ovary and appendix.
This past Thursday we had my follow up appointment to get my 23 staples removed as well as getting results from my cyst and ovary.
My cyst was benign, which under the scope in my surgery, they had a 50% chance of being able to determine, and they were correct.
However, my ovary was not. I was told on thursday that I had an Immature Teratoma. An extremely rare turmor BUT very treatable with chemotherapy
Immature teratoma of the ovary is a rare tumor, representing 1–3% of all germ cell tumors and 20% of malignant ovarian germ cell tumors
Thankfully Brandon had taken off work to go with me and was there for major support❤
This has obviously completely taken me and my family by surprise. At 29 years old, hearing this kind of news is very overwhelming but also feeling very blessed that once I fight the next few months, I can hopefully close this chapter in my life
So the next plan of attack is having a port put in following bloodwork, medications and 9 weeks of intense chemotherapy starting towards the end of July since I'm still recovering from my surgery.
I've decided to post my journey through Facebook and to keep you all updated every step of the way.
Until then, and Happy 4th