Joseph Alhajla necesita nuestra ayuda
Donation protected

Here is a video when I was hospitalized for 1 month and 20 days in the ICU, I am a warrior, now I faced another obstacle which with the help of God and from you I will win it
Aquí está un vídeo cuando estuve hospitalizado por 1 mes y 20 días en UCI soy todo un guerrero ahora me enfrentó a otro obstáculo qué con la ayuda de Dios y de ustedes la ganaré

It is a pleasure to tell you my little story, I am Joseph Samir Alhajla I was born on 07/02/2019 I am 29 weeks premature, despite 1,300kg height 32 cm hospitalized for 1 month and 20 days I was connected to oxygen and Sicpax, I also had infection in blood, neonatal sepsis, respiratory stops, 32 post stops, which caused a retinal detachment in both eyes. I went to an ophthalmologist and I was diagnosed with retinopathy of prematurity. I must be admitted to the operating room as soon as possible to save one eye before it gets worse and I can lose my sight completely. My parents are going through a very difficult situation, since I have to use 5 types of drops to keep the eyes dilated and hydrated and so that the retina does not close, when closed I cannot recover my sight. My surgery we are needing 1,100 $ USD and 500 $USD that cost the supplies for this retinal surgery. I just have to do my studies and pay for the supplies, please if you can help me little by little, God will be blessing you your grain of sand or because you help me spread my sad story I am an angel and a great warrior what God needs me in this world, I hope to count on your help
Es un placer contarles mi pequeña historia soy Joseph Samir Alhajla naci el 02/07/2019 soy prematuro de 29 semanas, pese 1. 300kg medi 32 cm dure hospitalizado 1 mes y 20 días estuve conectado al oxígeno y sicpax, también tuve infección en la sangre, sepsis, paros respiratorios, pos paros 32,el cual me causo un desprendimiento de retina en ambos ojos, fui acudido a un oftalmólogo y me diagnósticaron retinopatia del prematuro debo ser ingresado a quirófano lo más pronto posible para salvar un ojo antes de que empeore más y pueda perder la vista por completo, mis padres están pasando por una situación muy dura ya qué tengo que usar 5 tipos de gotas para mantener el ojos dilatado e hidratado y para que no se cierre la retina, al cerrarse no puedo recuperar la vista, para mí cirugía estamos necesitando 1.100USD$ que cuesta mas 500 USD$

Organizer and beneficiary
Cristian Castellanos
Chicago, IL