Jon and Alex Mcneil fund
Jon and Alex are outstanding members of our community. They are the first people to jump when anyone needs help.
Now it’s our turn to help them.
This is what happened.
25 years ago he had a back injury. He has always lived in pain but normally works through it.
He takes a week off and just goes back to work.
Last Monday he lifted something he thought was not as heavy as he thought and hurt himself again but this time he woke up Wednesday morning and said he couldn’t feel anything from the waist down.
That was the breaking point. He took an ambulance and they did a CT scan as they had no time to wait for MRI availability
They operated but Jon was sure they missed something. He felt like he could walk but the pain shifted
Thankfully they did the MRI and had to operate further
Although the doctors believe they caught everything
Jon is not the same.
He walks with a cane and has lost feeling in certain areas.
They can’t guarantee anything but he has 4-8 weeks of rehab high means he can’t work.
I am a completely different story but also a different person
This is not a story of regret or Shame or sadness. More so it’s a story about how the mind is a powerful thing so deeply connected to the body. We are going to do everything we can to get back to normal.
And I love you and thank you for your support