Jody Himes - Not For Profit
Jody does not know we have put this together for her, but thought it would be a great idea to help her bring a dream of hers to reality! Below is a description of a Not For Profit she plans to start with her free time after she retires.
[In her words] "My idea for the NFP is to work with mothers who have had their children taken away and placed in foster care, and who REALLY want to get them back. All of them will say publicly that they do, but I know that many of them don’t really care and think their life is easier without them. For those who do, the concept is to help them break the generational cycle, see that there are other ways to live than what they’ve always known, and learn the basics of how to do that. In the process, hopefully they create new friendships and can also support each other."
*We will gift it to her on Friday, 5/29/20. Any amount, small or large, is greatly appreciated. Even make your donation anonymous if you'd like. Lastly, below is a link to sign a virtual card. This is set up to be sent to her personal email on 5/29 at 9AM EST. Please reach out to Rachel Bray with any questions about the gofundme page or virtual card. THANK YOU!