Jo's campaign for MILL HILL CHAPEL TRUST
I'm raising money in aid of a mental heath self-help group 'WellBeing@MillHill' which is run by MILL HILL CHAPEL, the church for freethinkers in the heart of Leeds.
Facing down depression, overcoming anxiety, living well - and flourishing.
WellBeing@MillHill is a vital resource for people who meet together to overcome challenges, practice wellbeing and share what helps.
But it requires professional support and the fees for this cost Mill Hill Chapel approximately 6k per year. Mill Hill is self financing and recieves no public funds so I want to contribute to these costs & gain support and recognition - and this fundraiser is a way of doing that.
I'm going to walk the 'Santiago Primitivo' pilgrimage solo over 14 days (averaging approx 20 miles per day) through the mountains of Northern Spain. Beginning on June 3rd and arriving in Santiago de Compostella on June 17th. This is a huge challenge. Every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause.
Facing down depression, overcoming anxiety, living well - and flourishing.
WellBeing@MillHill is a vital resource for people who meet together to overcome challenges, practice wellbeing and share what helps.
But it requires professional support and the fees for this cost Mill Hill Chapel approximately 6k per year. Mill Hill is self financing and recieves no public funds so I want to contribute to these costs & gain support and recognition - and this fundraiser is a way of doing that.
I'm going to walk the 'Santiago Primitivo' pilgrimage solo over 14 days (averaging approx 20 miles per day) through the mountains of Northern Spain. Beginning on June 3rd and arriving in Santiago de Compostella on June 17th. This is a huge challenge. Every donation will help. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this cause.
Jo James