House Fire Total Loss For My Mother And Step Father
Donation protected

On March 8th, 2024, my Mom and Stepdad's double wide

trailer caught fire. The fire burned one section of the house, the back porch, and made its way up into the attic area. They did not lose everything, but the insurance did call the trailer a total loss. My parents house was nearly paid off. My stepdad has heart problems which prevent him from working and my Mom is a senior citizen who had her plans of retirement thwarted due to the total loss of their home. The insurance will barely help them to cover the down payment on another newer trailer and removal of the burned trailer, front porch, and the cleaning fees to save what personal belongings they have from smoke damage. They are currently living in a hotel, which is pricey and unsustainable.
Both of my parents hail from both Odessa, Tx and Roswell, NM, where there currently live. They have both been productive citizens and are good Americans that have never asked for a handout. But this time I am asking my community, friends, & family to help them out through this rough time.
Anything will help. God bless and thank you.

Robert Ortiz
Anthony, TX