Helping Aoife Find Her Voice
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Helping Aoife Find Her Voice
Hey everyone I have set up this Go fund Me account for a fundraiser called "Helping Aoife Find Her Voice". I will be shaving my head on Saturday January 2nd to help raise money for a communication device for Aoife.
Aoife's amazing multi-disaplinary team have advised us that a communication device is the best way to help Aoife find her voice. Unfortunately these device's don't come cheap. They range from 2500 to 7500, depending on which device/software suits Aoifes needs best and have ongoing software and insurance costs. She will be trialing different options over the coming weeks and months and then hopefully by March/April she will be all set up.
To anyone reading this that does not know Aoife, here is a little bit of information. Aoife is 8 years old, she has autism, sensory processing disorder and epilepsy. Aoife does have some words but is classed as non-verbal, and she is awaiting her assessment for ADHD. Aoife is a really happy little girl who adores her family & school but she also has a lot of struggles daily which we can't always understand. We are hopeful that this device will ease some of her frustrations by helping her communicate better. This device is something she can use for life, it will change with software upgrades to suit her ability as she grows older.
I'm taking on the head shave challenge to try to help fund this device and help Aoife find her voice. Any contribution would be fantastic, we were advised to put a high limit on the go fund me, so that is why it is set to 5000, we do not expect this at all, any bit of help towards the device would be really appreciated. We know these are hard times for everyone so absolutely no pressure at all to donate, perhaps you can help by sharing this on your social media to raise awareness. All money donated will go directly to fund this device and if by some miracle we raise more than we need we will open an account for Aoife and use the money towards all Aoifes needs for example the yearly insurance costs and any future upgrades and therapies recommended by her intervention team. Thank you all so much in advance. Love Sharon & Mike x
Sharon Donovan