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Let's see Alex to the Finish

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Alex, our dear, dear friend, is Italian and given that his first language is Italian we've decided to let our words about him come first in this beautiful language. Please read on to the end for our words in English. 

Come molti di voi sapranno, Alex ci ha gia’ provato piu’ volte a laurearsi in passato. I primi due tentativi sono stati pessimi! Non e’ riuscito a superare i primi sei mesi di lezioni. Ma poi, a 34 anni, ha deciso di crearsi un futuro intraprendendo la via piu’ difficile: traferisrsi negli Stati Uniti ed iscriversi all’universita’.

Durante i 3 anni passati alla SIUE (Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville), Alex ha raggiunto grandi risultati. I suoi ottimi voti lo hanno portato a ricevere una borsa di studio offerta a stranieri, la quale riduce di un terzo i costi studenteschi. E’ entrato a far parte in pianta stabile de Il Risplendore, gruppo che promuove la cultura Italiana all’universita’. Recentemente e’ stato nominato ambasciatore Italiano per la SIUE.

Ma il suo successo piu’ importatnte e’ quello interpersonale. Alex e’ riuscito a crearsi il suo angolo d’Italia qua ad Edwardsville. Come tutti sapete, Alex e’ sempre pronto a dare una mano, ed il suo buon cuore lo ha portato a crearsi un giro di conoscienze che lo supportano e tengono a lui. Quando andiamo a fare colazione alla mattina, sembra di tornare in Italia e vederlo tra i suoi amici. Sia qua che come in Italia, tutte le voltre che entriamo al Café’ ci sono sempre 3 o 4 persone che si alzano, lo abbracciano, sorridono e si divertono con lui attorno. Ha un folto giro di amici che lo cercano spesso per passare del tempo con lui e sentire le sue storie.

Se tutto va per il verso giusto, Alex si laureera’ a Maggio. Ma per farlo ha bisogno del nostro aiuto. Sfortunatamente i costi scolastici sono alti, ed Alex ha quasi finito i fondi con la quale finanziava i suoi studi. Alex ha bisogno di una mano per raggiungere il suo diploma di laurea. Ha lavorato duro in questi tre anni, e se non potesse finire l’ultimo semestre per via di problemi finanziari, sarebbe proprio uno smacco per lui. Ed e’ per questo che ho oraganizzato questa raccolta fondi. Questi fondi servono per finanziare il suo ultimo semestre all’universita’ e far modo che colui che amiamo possa laurearsi ed iniziare finalmente a crearsi un futuro dove possa dimostrare a tutti, e non solo a noi, la fantastica persona che e’.


As some of you may know, when Alex was younger he tried twice to graduate with a college degree, but found it difficult to focus his youthful energy. Then, at age 34, he decided to create a future for himself by taking a brave path. He left his beloved Italy for the United States determined to finish that college degree and find opportunities hard to come by back home. 

During the 3 years spent at SIUE (Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville), Alex has achieved great results. His excellent grades allowed him to receive a scholarship offered to foreigners, which reduces student costs by one third. He joined The Risplendore, a group that promotes Italian culture at the university. And recently he has been appointed the Italian Ambassador for SIUE by special request of the Dean.

But Alex's biggest achievement has been the interpersonal one. Alex was able to create his corner of Italy here in Edwardsville. He has won the hearts of so many, always ready to lend a hand, regale with a story or lift the spirits with a hearty laugh. Alex's good heart led him to create a group of friends that support and care about him deeply.

Sometimes we go for breakfast in the morning, and it seems like being back in Italy, seeing him among his friends. Just as in Italy, every time we enter the Café, there are always three or four people who get up, hug him, smile and share a joke. He has a large circle of friends who love to spend time with him and hear his stories.

If everything goes as planned, Alex will graduate in May after only 3 years, having worked with extreme diligence to shave a year off. Unfortunately school costs are high, and Alex isn't in a position to pay these high costs out of pocket up front. Without our help his inspiring hard work is in danger. And that is why I organized this fundraiser.

These funds will be used to finance his last semester in college and make sure that the man we've grown to cherish can finish his degree and finally begin to create the future he's dreamed. I asked Alex to describe his goals and plans for his work post-degree. True to form his hopes revolve around bringing light to dark and spreading good to all he can reach. 

In his own words: 
"After graduation I hope I can find a job with a consulting company that does consulting for NGOs, and that will help me to understand more about the non-profit world. That would take me a step closer to natural disaster management, and give me the opportunity to learn directly how to improve and implement humanitarian help's delivery.

I hope the degree in business management would put me in touch with those who need help. I hope to be able to build a future that is worth it, not just for me and my family, but also for friends, friends of friends, their respective families, and all those who need humanitarian help, because I think that in our society we need more people that are willing to give, without the expectation to receive something back.

I think that I have received so much in life that now is my turn to help. I would love this degree to take me in a position where I could influence people to give without asking, and if one day, this job would help me to save one single life, I will consider myself not just the lucky person I am, but also blessed to have started such a wonderful journey."

If you have the ability please help us see this beautiful plan see its finish. Remember that no amount is too small. For the price of a cup of coffee you can help Alex stay with us and see it through! Without these funds Alex is in danger of losing his classes, his student Visa and the home he's begun to build here with all those who love him. 

Breakdown of Funds Needed for Alex to complete his degree:

Balance from current tuition: $6370
Tuition fees for Spring 2015: $6400

Total Amount: $12,770 USD


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    • $230 
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Emma Peterson
Edwardsville, IL

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