Help Weston (my roomie) Stay Afloat
Hey y’all,
First off, my roommate doesn’t know about this and I hope to keep it a surprise (I want to keep it on Twitter since they don’t have that anymore). My roommate and close friend Weston, who’s such an AMAZING, giving, and kind person, has been in a financial bind for a bit of time and while I’ve been doing my best to assist where I can, I am just one person.
On top of the most recent happenings in the world, they’ve VERY recently been hit with some not great family news. I cannot go into detail out of respect for them, but I want to try and alleviate them from some of their previous financial burdens on top of recent events. I know they’re going tobe taking off work here and there while they assist their family, so I want this to also serve as a safety net for them during this time.
Anything helps! A retweet also goes the distance. I know I can’t take all the stress away from them, but I know some financial support would help them get their head above water.
Thank you so much! (Weston in the yellow cap!)