Help us pay Gamma’s medical bills
A couple months ago, my mom (Kellie) noticed that her appetite had been changing (not feeling hungry, feeling full really fast, nauseated). It gradually progressed from every few days she would feel nauseous and have no appetite, to every day, and then eventually on December 1st, she called me and said she had not been able to keep anything down for a couple days. I brought her in to the ER, they ran some tests and found cysts covering the entire left side of her liver. The ER doctor told her to follow up with a surgeon. She did and he decided to run more tests. December 7th, she had a test to make sure her gallbladder was working, and it appeared to be working fine. December 9th, she had an endoscopy done and the doctor found multiple large polyps lining the inside of her stomach, and also found that her pyloric valve is smaller and tighter than average. She had been staying at home in bed, not able to eat or drink anything and was averaging a pound of weight loss per day. I brought her in the ER again on December 12th for fluids, and the doctor said if she got worse she would need to be admitted to the hospital to be monitored. She went home that night, slept all day Sunday, not able to eat or drink anything. I picked her up the morning of December 14th for yet another test, but she was so weak and confused that I ended up bringing her to the ER again. They ran all the normal blood tests, but her vitals had been strong just like every other time we were there. They gave her more fluids and some nutrients through an IV, and her surgeon and I ultimately made the decision that she needed care in Anchorage. She was airlifted to Anchorage via helicopter due to her condition and not being able to be in a car without dry heaving the entire time. She is currently up at the hospital in Anchorage and working with a Gastroenterologist Specialist, that doctor is starting completely over to get a complete idea of what is causing all of her issues. He’s not convinced that it’s anything that’s been found yet but said she won’t be leaving the hospital until she is back to herself and able to eat and drink.
My mom was working at a job in our small community that she absolutely loved, but didn’t offer insurance, sadly. So basically all of this will be coming out of her pocket as she doesn’t qualify for any sort of state medical insurance because she makes just over the limit at her job.
If any of you could please help us out by paying for just a small portion, we would be so eternally grateful! Thank you all.
As we all know, medical tests, stays, and procedures are way too expensive, and she will probably end up having close to $500k in medical bills by the time this is all said and done.