Help special needs adults go bowling with friends
Donation protected
My brother, Tim, and three of his friends started a bowling club for other special needs adults. More friends asked to join. So I bought some T-shirts and we picked out a name: Saturday Bowling with Friends. Most bowling leagues run for a few months at a time, and they require constant attendance. We are holding space every weekend so that special needs adults that can build community and form friendships through recreation. We are here every single Saturday of the year (unless Xmas is a Saturday.) And we have two rules. 1) Come whenever you want, it's up to you. 2)No drama, be cool and kind.
Not all of our bowlers can afford the $12.50 fee to bowl every week. My mom, myself and a few of the other family members often pay the fees for other bowlers out of our pockets.
After three years, we are making this an official thing, a real non-profit. We want to raise money to cover the fees of all the bowlers who cannot afford it. We need to buy new shirts for our new bowlers. And we need a second ramp for our ramp bowlers.
Here's what your donations can do:
$25 will pay for two bowlers to bowl
$300 will pay for the whole crew to bowl on a Saturday
$400 will buy us a second ramp specifically built for special needs bowlers
$1,000 will cover our fees to register as a formal 501c3
$15,000 will cover a year of bowling for the entire group

Kelly McBride
St. Petersburg, FL