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Help Rayna and her family

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Hi there, I am a family friend of Rayna, Jeff and their 2 boys Alexander and William. Today, heartbreakingly, there beautiful cottage home flooded due to the excessive rain we’ve experienced

and the creek that flows around their home.

They have experienced the loss of their home, possessions, toys for the boys and everything in between. It is in my hopes that we can raise money to help them get back on their feet, provide first and last months rent for a new home, and make things just a little bit easier during this hard time.
They are a beautiful family and have raised there two boys since birth on this beautiful peice of land. Having it flooded has taken everything from there family. Any amount is greatly appreciated, Thank you everyone in advance.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Marnie Banques
Cambridge, ON
Rayna Podwinski

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